____"Ez To Get Over"____
____"Ez To Get Over"____
shaped my existence,
my mere being to be closer ,
To be loved like my life depended on it,
Can't be lesser because of a woman,
Where does emotions go when the past just comes a huntin'?
Where do loyalties lie?
Unless loyalties lie,
You don' laid under the devil , its time to say goodbye,
She ain't ya' heart , she ain't ya' mind , it ain't no time to cry,
Feelings flying with so much turbulence, momentarily its a crime,
You're easy to get over lil' mama , I'm out of sight.
Systematic behavior,
2025 got no saviors,
can't do no favors,
This is entertainment,
The overseer of chaos,
I'm ready for destruction.
Blacklove on its death bed , no discussion.
my mere being to be closer ,
To be loved like my life depended on it,
Can't be lesser because of a woman,
Where does emotions go when the past just comes a huntin'?
Where do loyalties lie?
Unless loyalties lie,
You don' laid under the devil , its time to say goodbye,
She ain't ya' heart , she ain't ya' mind , it ain't no time to cry,
Feelings flying with so much turbulence, momentarily its a crime,
You're easy to get over lil' mama , I'm out of sight.
Systematic behavior,
2025 got no saviors,
can't do no favors,
This is entertainment,
The overseer of chaos,
I'm ready for destruction.
Blacklove on its death bed , no discussion.
____"Ain't Nobody Thinkin'"____
Swimming between two lives,
Both are filled with eye candy and lust like what the fuck,
you think you could sway me , don't test ya' luck.
When its obvious they crave attention wanting all these men
To give their summaries on how good they're lookin',
I plead the 5th,
Alright you got a big ass , okay,
Face card Immortal, okay,
Where is the substance?
Where is the respect?
A cost only fans can't pay,
They are just here for a good time,
Want us to waste money and time,
You sell ya' body and soul for clicks,
Lil' Bitch,
Ain't Nobody Thinkin Bout' You...
melanated love on the brink,
Guess it goes deeper than we think,
Don't know what 2025 will bring,
They don't want trust , they want flings,
That's another thing within a thing,
They too scared to let their voices ring,
Heart + Broken + Anguish, it really just equals to more pain,
Too Sophisticated and she's out of your league my boy,
Ya heart will be slained,
Really think you ready for the rain?
Really think you ready for the rain?
She ain't got with you for the ring,
She don't wanna treat you like a king,
Princess treatment come first right?
Only right that I , Leave with a bang.
____"No Hate to y'all" _____
The time is 1:11,
I'm up trying to figure out how to write this without being
I'm workin' on my tact so,
If my higher self starts going off in this bitch,
Don't think imma' stop tho', I'll keep it lite,
What I don't Innerstand is,
Why the hell are interracial couples on the media looking happier than Us?
I mean breakfast commercials and video reels , all type of shit,
Like what is happening? I'll break it down a lot of bit,
See this one couple on youtube, I really liked their videos,
Reations to scary movie 2,
Well recently they broke up , and it had me sadden too,
About some disagreements and life choices they settled too,
But it didn't last,
The meca of this generation , I could just laugh,
Accountability is crazy, but to some its brash,
colonization in history's world,
But I'll definitely stop watching this nigga if he got a white girl.
____"LRH (Interlude)"____
Is love really hopeless?
I ask myself that,
Y'all can't embed that,
That don't compute,
When I'm covered in roses , till my will be done,
I know I'll have someone by my side to comfort,
Like lightning in a bottle , I'm a catch,
Most can't fathom that,
Some are jealous of that,
Don't pay me no mind,
Open to manifest,
Kill my negative ways, to let in beautiful things,
Like you babe,
Is Love Really Hopeless?
____"Black SunFlowers"____
Callin' all black sunflowers, the hour upon us,
The cowards, they hide ,
They've already exposed us to liars,
Sing to the choir,
We join together,
Ain't concerned about a man that just want to do great.
Ain't convinced that ya' race the most oppressed in the
Is it too late? Is it too late?
Too late to get you Innerstand,
That the life you choose is why you don't got a man,
Choices that led women to ignore you,
Still looking stupid, life ain't implore you,
Still in the same place , life ain't remove you.
Life is passing you by,
Pretty soon little one the melanin gotta' shine,
Time don't exist ,so we ain't out of time,
If you did wrong before , don't repeat the crime,
Theres a collapse on the forefront, time to stand together
____"god is a black woman III"____
by your hand,
I am guided,
I just did a thing,
I'm proud of it, love making conclusions,
As deep as my love is for you in this universe,
On divine timing,
Life is lifing, thin lining,
Waiting for jesus to come down and save you,
Thats not flying,
When all doubts Dissappear thats when you start realigning,
Guided by your hand God,
Pray we have enough gods,
I am a god in my own right , I'm not looking for the average she,
Don't pity me.
____"Social Gods"____
This that "cause you said that , now I'm not speaking to you",
This that "you took too long to reply so I'm done with you".
This that "you ain't shit getting her pregnant rodney",
This that "oh now you don't remember me? Then fuck you!",
Where did we go so wrong with communicating?
These apps are not stimulating no more,
Its just irritating,
I get like 2 matches a day and still nobody said shit?
Waste of time isn't it?
Time to set boundaries and benefits,
At this rate , I just want friends,
Why can't loneliness end?
at least don't pretend saying what was really meant,
Its not rocket science looking within someone's soul,
But if their heart is blacker than black and milds , then I'm gone,
If I call you a bitch on this phone , then I would be wrong,
Don't call me when you and ya' hubby get into a , fight,
We all got problems that need to be solved increasing the rates of cheating and brawls,
You wanna be him, she wanna be her,
Y'all know y'all both can't have it all,
On the internet looking like fine shit,
But Whats fine shit to the spiritual,
Iykyk we ain't liberals,
Time to build our people up in general.
___"Toxicship / When Melanins Break Up"___
Is this shit normal?
Should I be fearing for my safety if A bitch is flat out crazy and
it aint got shit to do with you or me?
I'm too centered headed to be arguing with dumb girls that don't see their worth, trauma maybe?
Already think that I don't have enough looks in this world , now
you hate me and I'm Ugly G?
Well ain't that so? You might hate me but my ancestors gon'
jump down ya' damn throat,
Fuck you bitch.
In my circumstance, can't speak for any man,
You not sorry for what you said,
In fact it was too easy to move on, I'm alone,
There's plenty of them niggas in your phone,
I'm like "I don't know how many contacts I will be on",
hate women that keep they options open, opposing me,
Won't let you get the last laugh bitch , none of my energy,
No soul ties, no more lies,
I find it funny,
They tell you they want genuine dudes then go to running,
to a worse one,
More back to the first one that hurt em',
I'm happy I'm not filled with trauma , at least one burden,
Breaking up ain't hard to do silly , its like a curtain,
Just close it!!!
I knew the bitch , we fucked , thats the end of it.
____"LITM (god is a black woman IV)"____
twin just pop up,
In my life , I want you to just pop up,
you reflect in women that don't like us,
you reflect in women that don't like us,
Resort to lesbianism because they hurt,
But soon find out that women lie too,
what has a god done to you?
I use my words to grow these flowers in vowels to
Show case them in front of people that don't allow us
freedom of speech cause they cowards,
I used them now to bring love back to the black community,
Men growing up without fathers,
parents not coexisting in a unity.
And think its okay , to put men on child support,
Freedom looks vauge , you just doomed a man today.
But regardless of the misdeeds and pain and the bullshit and
the bad weather theres still love in the matrix,
I Bet I'll take it.
____"A Flower"____
You're A Flower,
The water you consume in the daytime waiting for the nighttime molding you inside, Thats A flower,
The amount of sun that you get when you're out all alone with your feet in the grass,
Thats A Flower,
From the products you put in your hair to the things that you eat making you look young,
You're A Flower,
Being of light you sustain happiness , Don't surround yourself with negative stems,
Girl you're a flower,
Thats A Flower,
That's A Flower,
You're A Flower,
Girl thats a flower.
We must all be the flower that grows for a new dawn,
For a new country,
For a new world,
Who cares for greed and money.
We don't need a president, we don't need capitalism, the dead leaves that need to be
cut Off , yes indeed.
____"What Would They Say"____
We need more herbalists than just weed smokers.
Need more men to cope chivalry,
Nobody need jealousy, but you.
Its just you.
We need More interpretive dances than strippers.
Women with class always win,
Most of y'all need to look within, just be you.
Cause its true.
I could look, beyond the stars,
Every women , in every universe rules every world,
could pocket raindrops in their pours,
every goddesses mortal vessel flows like a river,
The soft skin compliments it all,
without them we'd surely fall,
Copper skins closer to god, you think you'd just evolved.
What would they say?
What would your ancestors say?
What would they do?
What would your ancestors do?
What would they say?
Need more black therapists than pity parties.
Ain't Nobody gonna care,
They'll like it and scroll down, its on you.
Its all your fault.
Need to buy more land than living in the hood.
No they can't relate to us,
Don't you set aside a good example, trust.
We believe in love.
Fuck money trees,
Love frequencies is all I need,
The energy of me , and to be handle by a queen,
The mere taste and the small shape in the waist,
Won't go to waste, inside our bubble we will
make haste, the feelings great.
What would my ancestors say?
___"Ungrateful Heffas"___
Suffered my whole life.
Tryna' keep a job , keep the checks flowing,
Keep the momentum of the ongoing,
I was a pawn of the unknowing,
35 jobs and still nothing felt right,
A black man can only build so much foresight,
Odds was always stacked against me too,
I needed a outlet , I needed to fight,
Then I soon realize being a slave wasn't really an option,
They want you to work til you still in a coffin,
Third eye banged and punched out of my Noggin,
Fuck prosecution and fuck being an object,
A number , a gear in the cog wheel,
Meditate now , I could feel what nature feel,
powers been growing , I don't derive from guilt,
Ask me what I know , you won't believe in the matrix still,
Job / School / Prison , same thing,
Please , bare , witness, vibrate,
Everything , timelines happening all at once,
So in Another I'm probably rich for god sakes,
Been thru a lot , So if Another Bitch Tell Me That She Don't
Want Me Cause I'm "Broke",
I Didn't want you anyway.
God favoring us this year,
Locked in a way it appears,
You can not hold on to fear,
Its a different atmosphere,
All of these secrets crawling out from under the staircase, don't lose ya' peers,
The world ain't really ending , its nearly beginning,
We all gotta' try to get there,
Being as graceful as swingin like cindy , I know I shine like silk.
Rubbin them Vatican symbols off oreo cookies with no milk.
You don't wanna get in bed with that,
Instead of hatin' , research the facts,
they'll stay up late just to plot on you,
No Insomniacs,
We're born into it , we just love deceit.
Aware of things that we could never reach.
I'm sleep to da' , black men that don't treat their women right,
I'm sleep to da' , people that go out without a fight,
I'm sleep to da' , chaos that trump will bring in this country,
I'm sleep to da , women only wanting men just for money,
What is America ? I'm not American , very Indigenous,
Don't worry bout' what I got over here , mind ya' business,
think and over think , Don't be dumb, that'll cost you,
The one that walked out of the matrix, now they
behind you,
Being as graceful as swingin like cindy , I know I shine like silk.
Rubbin them Vatican symbols off oreo cookies with no milk.
You don't wanna get in bed with that,
Instead of hatin' , research the facts,
they'll stay up late just to plot on you,
No Insomniacs,
We're born into it , we just love deceit.
Aware of things that we could never reach.
___"god is a black woman V"___
Complements don't feed me like they used to,
In fact , I gag out the ear of those words,
Leading me to a dark despair,
Far from powers you receive during birth,
Its good and evil sir , no room on the earth,
oppression is still a thing if you ain't heard,
This year we'll see the full extent of its worth,
These politicians gonna' give you the worst,
Sit, Meditate,
All you gotta do when the world quakes,
Nothing left to do but feel hate,
This ain't words of anger or sorrow,
These are the words of a sparrow, flying next to an arrow,
Shooting through bad energy narrow,
the future looks dark , but with faith we'll prevail though,
So before the "world ends",
Dear soulmate , dear twin flame,
We did it !
We exchanged , dark realities , for a higher plane,
Lost crystals , along the way,
Dear black woman , we made a way,
We got our melanated people on those spaceships and we just flew away,
Oh how I Love you, how long will this take?
For us to win for heaven sakes,
We live only to survive in knowing in the end that death awaits,
Dear God , just know I tried to be that man with a cape,
My melanin is intact , they can not take.
_________ T H A N K Y O U __________
god is a black woman🥰