By Arcassin B
know when to leave situations,
Arm yourself with occupations,
don't leave here with no complications.
All these days to heal and sometimes I don't take them.
Memories that play in brains don't get no praise.
Do the things that make you feel whole.
I know when my luck is up,
Gotta know when your luck is up,
What are you doing when all the time is up?
Living your whole life wondering will things ever get better in a land of evil,
If I truly only know one thing , don't waste ya' life.
Oh hey ! You there,
Do you think free verse is a joke?
Because if I Really wrote some poetic shit , you bitches would Choke,
Make you rethink the lines you have in a sequence,
You a fuckin' joke,
To Downplay my talent is like telling black people they didn't create the stove,
We invented everything, and instead you just take away,
Judge us like this America idol,
I just made the funny face,
When stars and constellations align with my inner mind I will find time to leave this place,
Too late for you , you are not safe.
"He can't write poetry , his grammar is off"!
My dick also in ya' mouth ,so why don't you get off?
This for the racist poets , that see a black man and thinks it's cool to insult his intelligence while on the mic,
I got news for you we invented the feelings of sonnets,
Pens you write with , we made that too,
I'm really being honest.
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