
Sunday, January 26, 2025

"Black Tiles"

 By Arcassin B

I still pray your that innocent girl I used to be with,

Before my anxiety got in the way,

Still hope the flowers bloom when you come to town,

And the sun could burn you tender in the day,

When your skin was as soft as the words I'd say to you,

The things I'd convey to you wasn't for the sake of vein,

But from one hurt person to another,

I trusted very few,

I hope your reflection is still as vibrant as the lake,

Ripples dripping out of reality if I ever got to hold you


Kiss you again,

Take you back in heartbeat,

Be with you till the stopping of my heart.

How am I doing now?

Very sane , Melanin strengthens in black tiles,

Protecting the energy,

But never back down , being who I am,

We grown now , no time to reminisce,

I made mistakes,

The old me couldn't take,

Being a kid coming up was never easy,

I just really wish you could see me.

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

"Luck Is Up"


By Arcassin B


know when to leave situations,


Arm yourself with occupations,


don't leave here with no complications.

All these days to heal and sometimes I don't take them.

Memories that play in brains don't get no praise.

Do the things that make you feel whole.

I know when my luck is up,

Gotta know when your luck is up,

What are you doing when all the time is up?

Living your whole life wondering will things ever get better in a land of evil,

If I truly only know one thing , don't waste ya' life.


Oh hey ! You there,

Do you think free verse is a joke?

Because if I Really wrote some poetic shit , you bitches would Choke,

Make you rethink the lines you have in a sequence,

You a fuckin' joke,

To Downplay my talent is like telling black people they didn't create the stove,

We invented everything, and instead you just take away,

Judge us like this America idol,

I just made the funny face,

When stars and constellations align with my inner mind I will find time to leave this place,

Too late for you , you are not safe.

"He can't write poetry , his grammar is off"!

My dick also in ya' mouth ,so why don't you get off?

This for the racist poets , that see a black man and thinks it's cool to insult his intelligence while on the mic,

I got news for you we invented the feelings of sonnets,

Pens you write with , we made that too,

I'm really being honest.

Sunday, January 19, 2025

"Jaw 2"


By Arcassin B

Out of the wavelengths and the hype,

I always see through it.

Visualizing ya' coffin , abstract design when flowers

cover it.

Can't cross these newborn stars,

The family told you not to stray that far,

After one night of partying hard,

Intoxicated flippin' cards , you stop yourself to restart.

Seeing the past, definitely wasn't a blast,

And good feelings last.

You give your heart and soul , to love a person bad.

Can't cope with all the bickers,

You fight with your ex lover,

Threw the ring away,

She took the kids , now Reframe.

Good things that enter, they don't deserve it,

We choose our own lane.

You could say some of us leave behind generational pain.

You stuck at a dead end job of course,

Looking for any sort of remorse,

Can't afford cable,  what is life anymore?

Sitting here kicking a dead horse, what was it all for?

We all go through things,

We all go through things,

This is what hell brings.

Friday, January 17, 2025

"Cyclops This"


By Arcassin B 

Too dry to fall off the bone,

To smart to fuck with ya' thesis,

Bloodclot , modern day slaves Got leashes,

But could never do better for a reason,

Avoid all contacts with the toxics,

See through you with one eye , Cyclops this,

Too much power in thi dimension, can't stop this,

I'm Mc Hammer to all you people, can't touch this,

Mc , meaning Man-child , I'm melanated,

I can't age , even if I tried,

Glad I'm born like this , this my race,

Hope I'm this way in every universe,

In the cosmos my vibrations been heard,

Non-information is the for the birds.

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

"Denial Factor"


By Arcassin B

I can't help you , if you won't allow it,
I gave up , I left you to your own devises and I,
Only want best for me,
Won't waste time tryin' to Figure you out,
My life is great and is getting better all the time,

Can't waste time getting thru to someone who won't give in,
Talking to a brickwall will truly piss you off,
Swear they wanna drag you down , preying on it,

I can't help you , if you won't allow it.

Know what ? Fuck it,
Don't want to be saved from zombies , that's cool,
Don't want to be saved from a crash , that's cool,
You want to fall off of a mountain,  that's cool,
You wanna be in a house fire , that's cool,
Get bit by a dog , that's cool,
You really not prepared for war , that's also cool.

Sunday, January 12, 2025

"TATGTDLMB" / "Blocks On Me"


By Arcassin B 

So many fond memories of,

Bitches doin' me wrong,

In the stars it was written,

Its bad enough i let the only girl I ever loved get away,

Nowadays nothin' is forgiven,

I aint trippin'

Head count , lets see who from the beginning was fake,

Word of month, thought i was lame then they stayed away,

Too late to rekindle, 

These arms are broken now,

No love for past flocks that try to get me to talk around,

Learn to fight ya own battles child , shout out miss Barnes,

Your over protective friends , show me just who you are,

Stop being a victim with yo' weak ass miss Brown,

The one who gave me this book and i kept it somehow,

I need reward for dealing with all demons , need more slogans,

Only the popular will fall , shout out miss Hogan,

To All The Girls That Didn't Love Me Before,

I know you goinf thru some shit right now knocking on devil's door,

To every bitch in my past,

That got a chance to bash,

You are dismissed,  i don't ever wanna' see you no more.


Sutra stitching deep in the skin wishing for the scars to leave your

life with every passing moment,

Once they leave , the people leave,

Things get left behind,

Shit gets real but real for the better,

Knowing people tried to tarnish, key word , TRIED,

make me alone in this world , you crossing lines,

But you live in "Real Life" ?

I live in the physical Fiction.

Too many blocks on me , not enough blocks on me.

Thursday, January 9, 2025

"Garden Vibes"

 By Arcassin B

If you know like i know , then you would save,
More likely there are things in your way,
Dont have the tools to save the human race,
You ain't used to others eating off the plate,

In the Garden it goes down,
In the Garden it goes down,
In the Garden it goes down,
In the Garden it goes down.
Laughing in the garden,
Singing in the garden,
Ima Be Happy In the garden,
Collect memories in the garden,
Save my people in the garden,
Ima have vibes in the garden,
Make love in the garden,
Meditation in the garden,
Ima do some yoga in the garden,
Poetry lines in the garden,
I might save light near the garden,
Ima do right with this garden.

Keep my plants in their protective state,
Butterflies around me potent,
This is love and it doesn't end,
In a world full of stupid sins,
Complications from now and then,
This is love in the garden, 
In this field we don't worship false idols,
There is no reward kin,
Only believe certain things in the Bible.

Monday, January 6, 2025

"Divine Riddim"


By Arcassin B

Great secrets to guide you home,
I wonder if my childish banter is allowed in
Heaven just to show how they would treat me,
Open as my eye as you could see , glad you don't,
Is the end nearly the beginning?
No time to pretend,
Flee to South America,
Taking back the luxuries like elden ring,
We kept in line with everyone and we used rule everything,
Mind eyes idle find lies and identifies,
the soul shines , then finds time , to look toward
And reward instead of fighting these wars,
Instead do the research,
Look up how to stock up stores.
Still seeing it clearly.

Saturday, January 4, 2025



By Arcassin B

Its simple as me and you,

Simple as one and two,

Simple as a church being filled up in these pews,

You think this the real you?

Will Reincarnation make the same you?

Will you go to a heaven-like state or a dying Hellish virtue,

So many choices , you gotta choose,

To be honest,

Might be beneficiary to you,

Open up your eyes,

Death is not the end,

Dead not dead at all,

Its spookism,

Everyone got a time,

Got a date,

Everyone has their cake ,

Inherited their space,

Matrix Reloaded so many times,

We need the spell to break.


Seems like a coincidence, 

Seems to be too eveident,

Seems to be a dream , masquerading as such to fit,

The sheep that were sleep , that woke up is now 

Asleep again,

Swear i saw the future in my dreams, but we won't see

The end,

So many flowers have grown since you left,

You picked out pieces of my heart,

None left,

Now I'm left still looking at that same damn river,

Under the bridge,

No water for us,

I'm fuckin sick and tired of humans , now limited trust,

If you looked at the world as Apocalyptic then we fucked,

Only us , gods , chozen ones , yeah we know whats up,

Third eye , on my fuckin' sleeve , please don't test ya' luck.