Wednesday, November 18, 2020

"Me About"


By Arcassin B 

Speak to me like you haven't lost your mind,
Wasted time , pain inflammation on a dime,
When I met you , you were a flower bed,
They all died,

Glad I had to leave,
Didn't make you believe,
I could be everything you wanted therefore you
made it so hard,
Say goodbye,
To your face, then you cry,
Apologized, like a politician that we all know lies,
Girl where are your priorities, we live in an era
Of minorities and poverty,
Is it less important than the arguing,
this a mental thing?
furthermore and forever more , I will not subjectively horrified to the horrors of you,
I will exclude,
Spacing myself from the hatred that is you,
I speak like Yoda,
I am more like soy , you are so acid,
Cans of soda,
Wanna leave esponola.

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