Tuesday, November 24, 2020

"Tape #2"


By Arcassin B.

Sitting in a hood , placement understood,
Dreaming of a day where I could feel alive,
I didn't wanna do it,
Lord hides your mind , you'll lose it,
They will all say you're stupid,
The eyes become so livid,
Or more like windows to the soul, just behold in an anguish,
Your time is up pasted on coffins of the dark,
You chose your exit baby,
I'll see you Later maybe,
You're never happy lately,
Camera out the way , don't tape me.

Monday, November 23, 2020



By Arcassin B

Kicking and Screaming,
It can't be a child,
Learning and reaching,
Make it worth your while,

Pleasing and scratching,
There is love afoot,
Doubting and Lying,
So misunderstood...

I can't
See your,
Learned here,
Gods & Demons,
They all lie here,
Shards, pour,
The abyss,
Deep down,
Where will,
We all go,when there is no ground.

Sunday, November 22, 2020

"Walking On Air" (DV Throwaway #1)


By Arcassin B.

For them I know its hard to see,
Or for them to true believe, I'm not martyr
lady , mainly I'm just walking on air,
May sound like the drugs talking , they were
never present in my life , slowly I am just walking
on air,
On air , I'm just walking on air,
On air, if I fell , would you care?
You care, I'm just walking on air.

Most of the time I don't do nothing , I am
finding myself,
If I'm talking to myself then myself should
be helped,
Help with what ? Muthafucka I'm just thinking
a lot,
This ain't no fake uproar or no lazy facade,
Do I really have to be a stereotype around
got my heart on my sleeve, but I am sleeveless round here,
If I say it then I meant it , this ain't words on
a note,
I know people that'll fight you , some got
guns that they tot ,
But For them I know its hard to see,
Or for them to true believe, I'm not martyr
lady , mainly I'm just walking on air,
May sound like the drugs talking , they were
never present in my life , slowly I am just walking
on air,
On air , I'm just walking on air,
On air, if I fell , would you care?
You care, I'm just walking on air.

Saturday, November 21, 2020

"...you're existing?"


By Arcassin B.

Let the whispers hit the canvas,
This picture says alot , mad that your mans no hot,
Pushing in this life to keep going on this life but you stop,
Not a ounce of gun power in this place to shoot your shot,
Is your existence not right ?


Pushing and pushing and pushing,
I'm constantly moving closer to the hole,
My life is so badly , so badly , so badly,
just falling to pieces too young,
So I'm slaving , I'm slaving , I'm slaving,
While trying to my enlightened my aura,
But these humans shoving , they're shoving, they're shoving,
They that their killing me cycle , not torture,
Believe me.. These assholes won't receive me..
Everyone is so betraying..
Its like was you really ever down for me?.


Wise up to a wise mans words,
Distant myself from the lies,
Never allowing goodbyes,
Holding onto past events behind eyes.

Friday, November 20, 2020

"Tape #1"


By Arcassin B.

Slime ball ass human beings get you sour,
Won't have to happen if you use your mind
The beast is coming,
The beast is coming,
Don't look now,
The beast is coming,
The beast is coming,


Weak is out , yet the strong survive,
Mark your target,
Flesh and blood don't mean nothing but some pennies,
Not even dimes or quarters,
Keep to yourself , don't draw a gallery to seek help,
Get your money, and do not let anyone discard your wealth.

Thursday, November 19, 2020

"Dim The Lights" / "REgretting"


By Arcassin B.

Turning down the path of a greater resistance is something you
don't wanna do,
loving another race is hard enough in a country where they will belittle you,
for those of us that know what is going on , all we want is the love and peace,
But your black friend suffered yesterday from a cop , he just died on his knees,
she wonders when will it all end and the evils will fade.
As free thinkers will know that tomorrow's not promise today.
she wonders if God will every see the tears in her face.
And this she I'm mentioning is mother earth , I wonder If she would be okay, Don't
dim the lights on her.


All the bullshit I've faced in my life was a matter of another
ignorant person's sight,
Coming home from school everyday complaining,
telling myself where did i go wrong with hating,
In the bathroom talking to myself , pacing,
I bet my fists will do the talking If they're intimidating,
Walking in the rooms talking to him , like why did you forsake me?
so started talking to the other guy and went greatly,

regret it everyday of my life but you can not blame me.

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

"Me About"


By Arcassin B 

Speak to me like you haven't lost your mind,
Wasted time , pain inflammation on a dime,
When I met you , you were a flower bed,
They all died,

Glad I had to leave,
Didn't make you believe,
I could be everything you wanted therefore you
made it so hard,
Say goodbye,
To your face, then you cry,
Apologized, like a politician that we all know lies,
Girl where are your priorities, we live in an era
Of minorities and poverty,
Is it less important than the arguing,
this a mental thing?
furthermore and forever more , I will not subjectively horrified to the horrors of you,
I will exclude,
Spacing myself from the hatred that is you,
I speak like Yoda,
I am more like soy , you are so acid,
Cans of soda,
Wanna leave esponola.

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

"Real 1"


By Arcassin B 

Tie my hands , don't let them go , just hold me back,
don't let them know,
I know how to control my mind,

Safety first , contain the world , theres not enough to tame the world,
I could finally open my eyes,

ode to love when there is none , then I walk off,
the day is done,
maybe I just need a friend too,

paint the town , bury it in gold , brush is my heart,
so is my soul,
I know who I am , so who you?

Looking for a real one.
Looking for a real one.

short timing for everything consisting of more bad things to come and push and pull at my strings of shame in agony in this matrix along with the bots,
wanted all the fake shit to stop, you can not rely on cops,
Crying wolf to ears that rot, somebody could've gave me a shot,
But in the end I always got shot,
Everyday was like recovery, while staying in a box,
I was,
Lost and confused with who I was and not I'm found like this the end of an era with show and tell,
Don't show and tell anyone anything nowadays cause the hate is real like the hate never left the cycle like an ongoing loop of shit to come,
When the stuff you're ready for comes for you,
You better run. 

Monday, November 16, 2020

"Heal My Soul"


By Arcassin B

Lord please don't let me fall into this sadness,

please don't let these thoughts end up in madness,
I'm turning all my lamps off,
dimming my hatred,
easing my mind to heal my soul today,
I'm not okay today , get out my face today,
fuck love in every  different way, I part my soul today,
putting myself on a lonely road , trying to find,
my way back home,
I felt I made a big mistake,
a mere take away from what I normally cherish,
wish these memories would perish,
but I digress ,  I'm looking for my soul again in which I find
roads of the end,
I meditate to come peace alone today.

Friday, November 13, 2020


By Arcassin B

 Call my phone ,I messed you up,

you say your sorry,
then we make up , forget our pasts,
and then start all over,
again we fall,
I know we've been through it all,
things you say leave me appalled,
in this life you only get one so lets not stall,
if you could bare  it all,
love is a complicated thing that only two young people can possess,
I was thinking it would be forever until said you can not stress,
You were so special to me in every way that no one could compare,
don't let me leave , but you just did, but I'm not sad at all ,
thats what you want me to be,
running and fighting a distant memory,
chasing the only thing that let me go,
pinching myself , man this isn't a dream,
you're a lot of stuff your heart won't show.