Friday, September 14, 2018

"Tired Of The Injustice"

By Arcassin Burnham

Respect others the way you want to be,
If everyone were like you, there would be
an assessment full of happiness through
the planet bringing in a new and a better
array of paths to all,
African American mothers that don't 
understand their son always regret it later on,
The life expectancy of a black man to any
other could be limited by any given time,

But it could have been worse,
I'm putting don't my guard now.
I'm at peace with me , but what about you?
I'm in touch the spirit in the sky now.
They don't lie when they say life is a game,
I will always rise above all , and love myself

*buy a big glass house and live*,
*on the beach*,
*learn in here than what your*,
*body could teach*.
I could be the only living person in this
ghost town to ever give a damn about
what goes on with the wickedness,
I could be someone that is homeless
living on the damn street and end up at
the wrong place along with weakness,

But it could have been worse,
I'm putting don't my guard now.
I'm at peace with me , but what about you?
I'm in touch the spirit in the sky now.
They don't lie when they say life is a game,
I will always rise above all , and love myself

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