Thursday, August 16, 2018

"Whores & Playas"

"Whores & Playas"
By Arcassin Burnham

Fallen love if you want,

Thats another story,
Thinking he's the right one in your category,
He's gonna play you hard,
Like an Xbox,
There's not a feeling much worse when
your heart drops,
Analyze here,
See whos about the worth,
She was the whore around town,
Every guy was hers,
But you didn't listen,
She done stole your money,
Stole your innocence, And gave you lil'

Whores and playas they,

Don't really love you,
Gotta love yourself,
There's no virtue,
For misguided , their delighted just to lie
to you,
For misguided , their delighted just to lie
to you,
When the, weak loves the strong and,
Notice somethings wrong, they stay,
They pray,
For something to change,
Oh my God just go.

Whores and playas they,

Don't give a damn about themselves,
Cares about securing their wealth aside
from ruining your health while running
around and telling lies about things you weren't
apart of,
noticing a fake right off the bat is not thought of.

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