Tuesday, July 18, 2017

"Figured Out"

"Figured Out"
By Arcassin Burnham

I hope the men don't run off and try to see the fear in others,
Hope the women don't gossip like they don't have a care for others,
I hope the kids in school don't have agendas just to pick on others,
This world literally crazy,protect your sisters and brothers,
Putting your damn videos on Worldstar just to see someone bloodier,
Do we really wanna be seen in the history books as histories most violent
Now come on guys everybody and their mama knows that this country is
Built off money,
a socially awkward economy,

that tells you to obey their policies,
the justice system , are you blind to see,
they kill for no reason , we run out of peace,
as a black man you can't on your two feet,
without getting cascaded with bullets,
whatever hope we get or had in the past just know they're the ones
that took it.

"Fall In The Rabbit Hole".

- Arcassin B.

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