Friday, July 7, 2017

"Electric Feels" (Ft. Wendy Ronshausen & MyDystopiA) (Can't Be Silenced EP coming July11th)

"Electric Feels" (Ft. Wendy Ronshausen & MyDystopiA)
By Arcassin B. , Wendy R. & MyDystopiA

**MD** : Look to the blue of the sky, 

let go and fly, follow the signs 
to find the light inside.

You have the world at your feet. 
It costs nothing to be free.
It's in the small things, 

we find the greatest hope.

**AB** : In God's glory I bathe and the wicked earth just
keeps scorching,
 **WR** : I Get lost having too much fun and not true joy
with partying friends,
**AB** : You give yourself to the wrong crowd and it'll
all end,
**WR** : Popularity , ain't "all that", some may say it
leads to sin,
**AB** : Answering what everyone ask in a world filled
with dying women and children.

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