Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Can't Be Silenced (Surprise EP) (Explicit)

Can't Be Silenced Ep
By Arcassin Burnham

01. Casual Sunday (FT. Wendy Ronshausen)

**AB**: Searching for a part I never thought i'd find in myself
carrying guilt in many ways from a cry of self help,
A tally every time for all the times , those simple times,
where it could've been easy,
life is a common cold and I've been sneezy.
in a world of pure uncertainty,
they sodomize your energy,
brainwash your thoughts through a big flat t.v screen,
we work for things we've earned,
if you're not stupid , you'll learn,
that everybody has a purpose,
don't let evils scratch the surface,
they like to show up where your worth is,
It's just a casual Sunday,

*the love we find*.
*is the love we hide for ourselves*.
*The love we find*.
*they want to see how it felt*.

**WR**: If humans were a floriculture
Some might call me a weed
Poetry, my way of
Spreading forth my seed
Just like a weed, in a perfect line
I do not grow, you will find me
On a venture clustered down 
The untaken trail
To spread the seeds I sow
I sprout sporadically 
Throughout the year
My motivational bloom in life
Is to conquer all fear
Constant growth is my goal
Endurance of the tragedies of Life
To enrich the blooming of my soul
Purpose to bloom above all strife

**AB** : *the love we find*.
*is the love we hide for ourselves*.
*The love we find*.
*they want to see how it felt*.

02. Rest Of Our Days (FT. SoulSurvivor & Richard Lee Anderson)

**SS** : Bars on windows ,Bars on doors 
Metal ceilings ,Beveled floors 
Come in folks! 
There's lots of room!
It don't matter it's a tomb...
A prison cell of bone & hide
You won't know Til you're inside...
Here I am, I'm in the lobby 
Locked within a broken body
Makes me want to 
scream & shout...

I'm just dying to get out!
There's the rub... just want to cry!
To get OUT I have to DIE.
There's just one way 
To be free.
But I don't want to die, you see.
I guess I'll stay & just be ME.

**AB** : To posses more ,empathy,
Weeping over dead bodies like the anniversary of
9/11, God bless each and every person in this world to
live long and prosper, this is hostile,
waiting on Jesus to descend to us and preach the gospel,
there's not enough empowerment to help the weak,
And there's not enough food here to feed the homeless,
Not even enough  friends around your child to see her smile
and you always treat her like nothing so she thought her
life was worthless,
looked into the barrel of the gun And, **POW!**,
Didn't even say her last words , not even a letter,
you should have spoke to her,
could have been a better nurturer.
**RLA** : Living In  the Projects. ...

I learnt my name.... I learnt my fame...

Living in the Projects....

Learnt how to skillfully write my name in lights.... All over the place. ...

I was living in my own mind when it happened....


Happened to Me... 
From where you came, I had No idea....

I was lifted up, above my feet...

Don't leave me hanging ......

Around for too long.....

03. Not A Cloud In The Sky

Didn't have any loyal people since day one,
but i was loyal to me,
tell me how can a black man leave behind his son?
somebody tell me,
after all the bullshit I've ever been through,
nobody ever aided me,
The quote on quote friends that use to have my back,
never talked me,
so what hell you want?
No don't try to talk to me now,
talking all out the side of your neck man i bet you feel proud,
there ain't no savior that could save you from the hate i afflict,
you hate me but there are bigger things , like massacres and corrupt establishments,
Ain't no time to be having fits,
Ain't no time to be taking trips,
Ain't no time to be wondering when your insecure mouth will
take a bloody spit,
the man in the clouds never speak,
And most of the time the clouds are poisoned,
I guess that must be the reason,
The devil's feces in the airwaves ain't no time for breathing.

04. Living For The Moment (FT. Alex Gabriel)

**AB** : Mother earth , look what they did to you,
You were beautiful back in your day of being pampered
In those seven days.
Dick heads that act like jerks that don't have nothing to do,
You were clean once in this universe and they uncleaned you
With their harmful plays.
In this country and this cold world lingering and going through
Like a regular human being with funds and accusations,
Life's a pretty blonde bitch with Daddy issues,
I guess that's where father time comes in , deaths happen,
Get some tissues,
I've had a lot and I've lost a lot where heaven and hell will forget you not,
Better choose the right slot,
Cause the women out here getting plastic surgery,
And the men , some enlargement pills,
Why don't you just be happy with yourself and let time heal?

**AG** : Now that I know what I know,
I had to let go for the sake of my soul,

I was turning into a person I didn't even know,
I had to tell my heart it's alright to be cold,

Nobody gives a fuck,
That's the truth,
This is your road,
You didn't have a choice but you gotta learn to grow,

You only live one life,
Better focus on your goals,
The clock is ticking and there ain't nothing you can hold,
That you won't lose in the end,
You gotta keep control,
So I'm here with my pen letting the ink explode,

Exposing myself to everyone that I know,
This shit is 100,
I keep it real for the foes.

05. Room Smile

Hi I'm Arcassin And I was wondering how a black male
in america made it this far,
Dear Zeus Please tell me what I've done wrong,
And there ain't mountain high enough for journey's to start,
there's not enough room in this soul to smile.
I know what I've done and I'm not proud.

New mission.
with honorable mentions.
keeping one love.
no substitutions.
I know my role man.
to be a citizen.
but I'm so woke man.
the truth will hide in sin , sin.
 we can't pretend like nothing's going on,
you wanna waste away , you wanna live your life,
I swear material things mean more to you than the
people that have your back in this life,
so calm down man.
you fought long enough.
I hope you understand.
It's just as simple as trust.

Hi I'm Arcassin And I was wondering how a black male
in america made it this far,
Dear Zeus Please tell me what I've done wrong,
And there ain't mountain high enough for journey's to start,
there's not enough room in this soul to smile.
I know what I've done and I'm not proud.

Don't need luck.
changes is a must.
screw your issues.
Not in the mood to fuss.
we all have weaknesses.
and we're all not so strong.
we all gotta fight.
to capsulize the wrong, wrong.
we can't pretend like nothing's going on,
you wanna waste away , you wanna live your life,
I swear material things mean more to you than the
people that have your back in this life,
I can't control.
whatever it is you do.
the guilt we try to hold.
will only bury you. 


06. Early Sketches (FT. Traveler)

**T** ; What is the secret?
both old and wise,
what keeps the darkness and soul in line?
what sets a day dream free falling in flight?
Is it not the will to stand and fight?
**AB** : Can't stay away for an evil,
of a country that stripped all your rights,
Are we all lost without sight?
And lost the freedom and will to shine?
Did you wonder it would be alright?
**T** ; Targeted , tagged and tethered,
stereo typically tarred and feathered,
come up for air,
try to weather,
A world where the second class is fucked forever,
**AB** : This wicked realm we stay forever,
Every January To December,
If you don't come out swinging on situations,
you'll grow weaker.

07. Electric Feels (FT. Wendy Ronshausen & MyDystopiA)

**MD** : Look to the blue of the sky, 

let go and fly, follow the signs 
to find the light inside.

You have the world at your feet. 
It costs nothing to be free.
It's in the small things, 

we find the greatest hope.

**AB** : In God's glory I bathe and the wicked earth just
keeps scorching,
 **WR** : I Get lost having too much fun and not true joy
with partying friends,
**AB** : You give yourself to the wrong crowd and it'll
all end,
**WR** : Popularity , ain't "all that", some may say it
leads to sin,
**AB** : Answering what everyone ask in a world filled
with dying women and children.

08. Bullshit (Interlude)

This is that all of a sudden my grandpa got diabetes
That Chemo can fight all types of cancers type of 
I love you but i think i need space for some time
I want my virginity taken like everybody in my class
I'm gonna  complain and complain to anger my husband even more
she told me I had to be big down there to please her good
At the end of the day you think I'm your friend, on some back stabbing
I don't know why people listen to television
this that eat everything in the fridge and leave everybody nothing
What are you gonna do shit,
the world ain't what it seems and just you blind bullshit,
I rather raise money to move to another country and get a passport

09. Normal Loss (FT. Alex Gabriel & Yogita Sevak)

**YS** : Overcome in the minds storm I stand empty handed
Like with the Scarlet letter I had been branded
Alone no one would assume.. I am a-lone in a crowd
But how do I shut out the sound in my head that's loud
Raw emotions yell and scream
All of it isn't as simple as it seems  
Lost relationships leave a bitter taste behind
Answers from myself I must somehow find
I sit by the beach and breathe in the ocean
Letting go of all the life's commotion
As I walk I feel the sand between my toes
I close my eyes and listen to what my heart knows
I listened to my heart no matter what I've done
I realize gazing at the tides of my mind - I'm fine I've won.

**AG** : Time is of the essence,
I thank God for all my blessings,
Wake up in the morning and smile,
Who am I to ask any questions?
I'm alive and existing in this world today,
Grateful for the sun on my face,
Air in my lungs and my heart's particular pace,
Every moment is precious.

**AB** : Hate emotions I'm not good for them.
somebody had to tell me God just gave up on me today,
smelly fruit incense in the distance of a life I thought
I had and all my family just hasn't listened away,
tired of making sacrifices for people that don't need
you don't see them and how sneaky they are when gain
your trust,
paranoia courses through the blue parts of my
veins causing nothing but a little trust issues,
can't even trust these people on this poem dude,
my soul screams in tears,
and everyday my fears,
they manifests itself,
they do it every year,
I don't have God's help,
At least i think i don't because it's so confusing,
don't wanna spend rest of my life burning,

**AG** : Time is of the essence,
I thank God for all my blessings,
Wake up in the morning and smile,
Who am I to ask any questions?
I'm alive and existing in this world today,
Grateful for the sun on my face,
Air in my lungs and my heart's particular pace,
Every moment is precious.

10. More Love (FT. Crazy Diamond Kristy)

**CDK** : Your Love Bridges the hole in my heart,
The one left vacuous by abandonment.
Connecting synapses long since forgot,
Filling spaces with passion , not sought.
**AB** : Healing cartilage of my inner thoughts,
Are the things that bind while working as one.
If you feel great depression in your soul,
I'll be there to be the armor of the absolute one.

I had dreams of creating another human with you,
in a silence that i can't hide anymore.

There was no doubt in my mind that my emotions
would eventually get the best of me,
just to see it walk out the door.

**CDK** : Your Love Bridges the hole in my heart,
The one left vacuous by abandonment.
Connecting synapses long since forgot,
Filling spaces with passion , not sought.
**AB** : Healing cartilage of my inner thoughts,
Are the things that bind while working as one.
If you feel great depression in your soul,

I'll be there to be the armor of the absolute one.

11. What The Mist Is Like

Beauty in the mist,
lights are sparkling,
And on earth your little dreams come crashing down like
project apartments,
while they let us lay in fear,
they make money off black inmates,
then the public sees that shit and think
that's all we're good for is crime and hate,
what did the president say?
say hes gonna make america great?
Man you ain't dong a good job,
Are you even trying anyway?
thats another display of hate?
bet you people regret it,
and there no resets,
gonna have to take it in and embed it,
we might be heading for a  fake world war,
don't hear it cause I said just research it,

Guess that's why I wanna float on to another world,
I honestly think that they make God to have these strict
rules when in reality he really wants all of you up there,
aka high chair,
aka ladder,
aka stairwells express,
aka the life after.

12. Priority # One

Use to think about sitting with you down at the bridge,
use to dream about the times where we would kiss and
every breath I took I fell in love with you over and over,
like a sad roller coaster getting ready to fall off the rails.

Trying to forget the past like every human being,
but every human being don't wanna forget,
like That friend that stole all your friends,
that same friend that sat there and told you friends to the end,
what did he do? didn't Recognize you again,
Now lets get something straight,
Didn't your mom ever tell you to worry about you and no one else,
not even your spouse,
This world is so bat-shit insane that everything is corrupt now,
so much bad order in this country they expect you to bow down,
yeah your trust,
is a no no,
licensed gun,
make it so so,
No lives matter obviously,
I don't know,
where to go go,
scared of death,
not scared to face it,
looking for a way out of the matrix,
I could care less about the systems wealth,
save your self.

1 comment:

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