Wednesday, June 29, 2022

"Words To You #1" ___uib


By Arcassin B

Shameful of the days that was given in return
had the karma of Babylon,
looking for the light but not searching every day,
nights are colder with these open wounds still fresh,
No one ever wants peace,

I remember the days when times were simpler thinking that I could do what I wanted in a peaceful manner,
my love and care would always go to waste,
it's clear to see that I was heaven sent,
no repent,
no one gives a fuck If I die , thats literally evident,

but I would sit and keep explaining things about the carelessness of people,
or the corrupted world or maybe that life's a movie,
and didn't get to the sequel.

Spider-Man Poetry EP coming soon !!


Monday, June 27, 2022

"walk" (fts on "Diamond Valley 2" coming soon July 7)


By Arcassin B

come and take walk with me, if you wanna go to the promise
land , if you wanna go deep in the earth, if you wanna go,
come and take a walk with me , if you wanna go to the beach and vibe ,
If you go get some sage with me , if you wanna go,
come and take with me , if you wanna go smoke so much weed,
If you go be someone else , if you wanna go,
come and take a walk with me , if you wanna go just find yourself,
If you wanna make some art with me, if you wanna go.

glitches in the matrix okay,
portals in the matrix some day,
future is already concrete , when the world goes to shit where would we meet?
Would we explore birds and bees before you perish and its only just me?
Will the matrix be reloading and resets itself with us holding?
I knew life was an internet , a penny jar full of presets,
Who the fuck am I really?
Question everything In present tense,
They keep your mind lock , locked, with a treetop,
whitewashed with a new history, white socks,
your a plant ,you should grow slow , they can't stop
The soil in this cold world , temp drop..

come and take walk with me, if you wanna go to the promise
land , if you wanna go deep in the earth, if you wanna go,
come and take a walk with me , if you wanna go to the beach and vibe ,
If you go to another dimension , if you wanna go.

Diamond Valley 2 coming soon July 7th

Saturday, June 25, 2022

"Second Loss Before You" (MCP : Spider-Man Poetry Ep Coming Soon)


By Arcassin B

In the darkest corners of my mind and all my days,

I still pray for you because it's what I'm so use to,

Wishing I could touch your skin or even just a taste,

If you were alive, I'd ask you what you would like to do?

Famous Chinese place you liked located near times square,

There our first date and encounters would take place,

We would meet up there discussing how to get these new enemies,

You would tell me "Pete you got this" then kiss my face,

Blonde hair in my sheets , before and after your murder,

This road would still get steep and these waters need boiling over,

First love officially, more than liz , she never really noticed,

Even though I've met my soulmate, you were the perfect potion,

Its crazy still pray for you because it's what I am now,

Hope you and Ben look down and, shower me now,

But through MJ I sense you now,

Hope you guys know who I'm talking about.

Wednesday, June 22, 2022


By Arcassin B

I could hear the flowers blooming,
But shattered I'm broken seas,
If you left here without your purpose,
Then what is that to me?
You say you got it all figured out,
Well in the future you gon' see,
Better watch your world turn to dust instead of 
Fuckin' with me,
But see , it's way to late for you,
Ain't too great for you as it is,
I can see how you see how obscure this is,
Welcoming yourself to your final show ,
Seeing your death , watch the curtains lift,
Time to see how tough you really is,
Let's see who really hard ,who really the bitch?
Going to war , no more cotton picking',
80% of the human race is slacking,
And to most that don't know what happening,
Let's just hope you have a happy ending.

Tuesday, June 21, 2022

"Oscorp" (MCP : Spider-Man Poetry Ep Coming Soon!)

By Arcassin B. 

Patrolling cities,
Think the cops are starting like me now,
Clean sweep,
How I got more thugs in the jail house?
Public housing for all the low classes,
Wish I could build a company like oscorp to help the masses,

Inside this building don't seem right to me,
Fearing for my friend harry,
Osborns could carry some secrets,
It ain't easy being a billionaires son,
Y'all don't ever have no fun,
No family time , no ties or combining as one,
I totally get it, "maybe he just needs time"
The only problem is I told him that like 50 times,
It's funny cause my father use to work for oscorp,
Him and my mother disappeared, no leads , no reports,
Maybe they knew something he didn't know,
Invented something he could have stole and had mercenaries
look for them and bury them in snow,
I could be over exaggerating , or maybe I'm right on the money,
I don't know so I'm,
Patrolling cities,
Think the cops are starting like me now,
Clean sweep,
How I got more thugs in the jail house?
Public housing for all the low classes,
Wish I could build a company like oscorp to help the masses.

Sunday, June 19, 2022

"You Can't Stand The Heat" (Original)

By Arcassin B

I could smell it on the horizon,
That's not rising , I don't hear no silence,
Confide in the spiritual guides and, the fallen,
The beginning is coming , not the end,
Villains will lose , and we'll win and,
Melting ice walls down as we ascend and,
powers will form the narrow end of,
What has been and what's been stored in,
reality is about to crumble,
Them vs us , stay ready to rumble,
Fuck child trauma, shout out to my mama,
world made over , just forget about commas,
Hoping to meet beings that'll keep it one hunna,
Time to vibrate and bathe in Asana,
It's all up to you , who are you the one of?.........

Rest,of,you, will,panic, at the sight of this,
Time,is,now,so, You Can't Stand The Heat,
Harness, conquer,love,the energy,
Time,is,now,so, You Can't Stand The Heat.
Stand the heat.
Stand the Heat.
You can't stand the heat.

Saturday, June 11, 2022

"Responsibility" (Spider-Man Project Coming Soon!)

By Arcassin B

Nerdy kid from Queens in the city that never sleeps,
Single moments without the peace and ability to be eased,
Simplicity to finding your dreams replacing the deeper means,
With a Genius intellect, No these kids can not rival me,
I was brought up and taught these things and took the blessings,
A misconception in human minds don't get the message,
Babylon in full effect ,is where we're all headed,
One day I'm gonna be something,I think manifest it,
My teenage years were pretty weird and wasn't kind to me,
Richard and Mary Parker was just distant memory,
If anything I found myself a remedy to cope with thinking why
I found all of this as a stranger dreaming,
Who knew one day I actually become a man?
Who knew one I'd actually have a real friend?
Who knew one day that I would be bitten by a radioactive
engineered Spider in the very end?.....

My body was changing,
And I didn't know how to breathe this new air,
And to bare , these changes I see here,
Muscles have bulked up but I don't work out,
I just know I'll look different walking out my house,
And even though she lives nextdoor,
Will she notice me , finally? Without my glasses on,
Never noticed how crystallized my blue eyes look,
She could stare into my soul and read me like a long book,
Noticed the super strength as well and that I can climb walls,
My senses have increased, plus the free fall,
Don't forget to mention the weaves that come out of my wrist,
Getting to class is going to be a breeze with this,
And in a flash I'll beat up my bullies,
And I'll feel bad when uncle ben talks to me,
And tells me that I'm a smart boy and that I shouldn't throw away my future,
Was young so I thought of him as a regular preacher,
I'm like "what was I supposed to do, run away?"
It's funny that I know the next sentence he will say,
I'm not in trouble with the law and I don't need a lawyer,
So how about you stop pretending to be my father,
Wanted to put my talent to the test,
Signed up for a cage match and went against the best,
Didn't get all my money, promoter thought it was funny,
truly got what he deserved, Robber took all the rest,
You know the rest of the story.

Sunday, March 27, 2022

"Share Minds"


By Arcassin B

Be My snake way , be my distant love,

Be there when I need a good woman such as you,
Aligned with the right kind of power there's no telling
We both can do,
Separate the jealousy, put the hatred , sharing different
Entities , no such thing a Satan,
Got me so nervous figuring out what a say then, you so sacred,
Like those kids that play in the grass , butterflies flying over
A bundle trees , you say here i go ,
Existential crisis in motion , ya brain,
It's just to show you that I use to be a simple with a small
Brain , now I come with big package to blow your mind,
Your out of time , wanna see all your chakras be aligned,
Wanna make your mind wet with waters from alkaline,
And even though your figure is a 100 , I'll be fine ,
I just need some attention baby, I don't need sex just to please you baby,
Need me loc'd queen in abundance baby,
A mineral love that will drive me crazy.


Vibrate at frequency in the bedroom,
I am your vibrator.

I could paint ya body in my mind,
I am your illustrator.

Wanna learn some Fibonacci?
Let me flip you over real quick.

Locs tangling together,
Let me loosen you real quick.

Girl the world around us don't play fair,
So shall we ?

Everyone is a frenzy with this love thing,
So how are we?

Ever thought about procreation?
Would our kids be cute?

And in our isolation,
Will they also be loc'd too?