Wednesday, June 22, 2022


By Arcassin B

I could hear the flowers blooming,
But shattered I'm broken seas,
If you left here without your purpose,
Then what is that to me?
You say you got it all figured out,
Well in the future you gon' see,
Better watch your world turn to dust instead of 
Fuckin' with me,
But see , it's way to late for you,
Ain't too great for you as it is,
I can see how you see how obscure this is,
Welcoming yourself to your final show ,
Seeing your death , watch the curtains lift,
Time to see how tough you really is,
Let's see who really hard ,who really the bitch?
Going to war , no more cotton picking',
80% of the human race is slacking,
And to most that don't know what happening,
Let's just hope you have a happy ending.

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