Monday, October 8, 2018

"Free Think"

"Free Think"
by Arcassin Burnham

Trials and tribulations for relations in America where the higher class resides in cutting the checks,
Putting the past behind my back and running to the light of a better future all in debt,
To love and to hold while we rejoice a brand new day of peace on earth to follow up bliss,
If we all stick together and fight as one then it would actually be more better than this,

Picking fights and winning wars in this country is more like a mind to result in some treason,
You have no reason to be so damn ignorant while we're sinners signing all these agreements,
Tragedies will happen and mostly all planned , the systems rigged as destruction on the brink,
It is nothing than to be afraid of corruption as long you live and free think.

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