Thursday, December 21, 2017


By Arcassin Burnham


Tisk , tisk, what a hit and miss,
Are ya'll buying this?
Controlling masses for you to think this,
my words are not a diss,
some just might offend you,
Rub you the wrong way and teach you,
holidays like this ain't safe since they put cloned meat on the
Not fair being on the suface, I rather live in the clouds,
love to disarray your purpose , my pride knows no bounds,
the only thing I could believe in is my own joy and the enlightenment
of what reality is,
Not jolly fat white in red suits that wait on the parents to tell their kids
that's what he is, 
And unawake people like you would just read words and be
like what is this kid talking about,
I'm not a professor or part-time teacher but I can provoke truth
and people jusst doubt,
Holidays where we worship satan in a different way and we never knew,
Don't give a damn about santa and Jesus wasn't born on the 25th too.
sorry but not sorry.

02. Star On Top

I love it,
i just so love it how this bullshit will fall into our belief system
like who is above it?
 Worshiping holidays to decorate for a country that satan controls,
conspiracies or not I rather let my family celebrate it.
brainwashed over time to give our hard earned bills to the wrath of
black friday,
Most can't make out of the store so just put it on layaway,
I bet some foreigners can't even make it to the us for their families
because of what trump gave away.

We're the real ones that believe,
we don't put stars on fake trees,
lower class in poverty,
why can't we ever be free.

03. Santa / Satan

Who do you think that fooling?
You've always been a hoax,
A known common joke.
not a word spoke,
Is this why you poison the kids?
you poisoned their minds with all the lies,
man look what you did.
I see , its vivid.
brainwashed for all of these years.
believing holidays bring joy , heal the poor,
but all these holidays have a dark meaning and past
no one wants to explore.
And people still saying what is this kid talking about,
I'm talking about the history behind Christmas you don't
want to learn about, is it fine to just talk it out?

See every adult knows its a lie when they
indoctrinate the kids to believe this,
But this whole holiday centers around pagan gods
and total atheist,
And both of those things don't believe in jesus,
but ya'll swear he was born on the 25th,
Lord I don't know  whats wrong wih us,
If we be smart , we can stop this rift.

04. When He Was Born

When infinite beings are born there are no release dates.
A country that swears that you will be free but freedom
they will take.
Thats why you have kids believe santa is real , but really is too
but this holiday goes perfectly with the people when the news is fake.

overtime you believe that the man that died for our sins was
born on a day that was false,
i'm not going crazy with rage that the country we know is marinate in
broken states,
can you relate?
stories you hear is just a phase,
they like to take,is 
If you can live in country ran satanists then Christmas is no exception
better stay awake.

05. Guns In The Chimney

I was just another toy on the shelf for amusement,
I was like your pony boy when you had no excuses
Watching over me like you had all the answers,
Should have never trusted you , there's no room for
No backstabbers,
I don't want your cancers,
I'm a cancer ,so I'm hostile, you just made me blow the lid off,
You're too stupid to notice real love, my lovely ripoff,
I was good on my own until you came along , it's like a 
Parting gift , 
Never trust an attractive devil with red eyes and red lips,

If you loved me...
I could only imagine if you did.....
You affect everything...
Like the sanctum of how I live,

If you loved me...
I could only imagine if you did.....
You affect everything...
Like the sanctum of how I live.

No mistletoe's , only guns. 

06. Lines In The Snow

Wasn't there when I was Sleeping On the floor.
problem stack on top of problems even more.
now 20 years old , holidays ain't cheap no more.
lifting weights on days like this I feel are sore.

False flags run a mock in this country.
black friday and violence is just like Hennessy.
It'll leave you beat up and numb til you can't see.
another catastrophe for your memories.

Are those bloodlines painted in the snow?
this holiday containing secrets you should know.
Please don't take my simple words as a joke.
Christmas ain't what you think it is , most will know.
most will know.

07. Black Friday

We as a whole people do not come together,
do not fight,
do not work against the force that consume us everyday,
we are mentally and emotionally divided apart,
coming from the same bloodlines especially with our race and
indians and Mexicans,
and those types of people look at it as a joke or an unbelievable 
observation to the common goal of being human race instead of a tore planet,
black friday is like a darkness that the evil brings,
makes the people do shit they don't wanna do to other people,
just to get the more expensive gifts to only put them on layaway,
its not worth having your life getting took away,
better watch out for these holidays.

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