Thursday, November 28, 2019

"The Art Of Loving A Human" (Apart Of Me Origins Saga)

By Arcassin Burnham

Now you think love is something that you live for,
You'd kill for,
You'd die for,
Your crush is the one that you'd cry for,
But she was all rubbed out the other day by 5 more,
You think the love you have for them is
burning in you,
Are they really the one or just a menu?
Been raised and taught to fulfill a purpose,
That most think is worth it to someone that's perfect,
This is a topic you would go to church with,
Cry to the Lord and give heed to the sermons,
Passion is passion is passion that lingers within us
In lustful ways, these are the days,
The Art of loving , yeah they have your mind,
Unprogram the mind to be redefined,
Your perception of love is truly blind,
But if they break up with man your heart would die.

Always dated assholes, backwards retard , fake fucks,
Dumb whores and true cunts,
But never saw the worst in them for some reason,
Every relationship failed every season,
But all that is given could be took away,
Calendula flowers blowing in the breeze,
Reflecting on these needs,
The hate express to my every break up, the physical
make up is done when you wake up and
realize everything you were told was a hang up,
Then love becomes death when you decide to take your
own life when she wanna stay up
And fix every broken thing,
There's no wedding rings,
You've got the gun to your head ,it'll be quick,
Fuck everything.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019



By Arcassin Burnham

I can't go out and find someone new.
I always think of you even when I'm not a single
thought in your head and knots in your bed.

When you loved another boy instead.
I didn't see it , I didn't see it, I wanted to afterwards
but I couldn't even turn.

I literally always think of you in the shower.
And all the hot sex we barely ever did too much
to even count now.
Cause I don't remember.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

"Don't Be So Cruel" (Apart Of Me Origins Saga)

By Arcassin Burnham

Don't be what you,
Have to say your,
Words reflect through your outer appearance,
I complicate Shit , what's the difference?
What was that you said?
Don't you fuck with me,
Keep your damage mind to yourself,
We're not enemies,
Lovely flowers everywhere see the hate in me,
Because of you I have nothing more good in me,
Bullshit is bullshit, and love makes things pretty,
Glad I don't want kids in my future see,
Everything would possible through tendency,
I will not hate my mother and then hate on you,
I will not beg you to ever marry me,
Guess I'm the cruel one.

Monday, November 25, 2019

"Max Payne"

BY Arcassin Burnham

Two guns strapped to my legs like
a open casket in my wake,
I'm awake in the morning of myself,
when the demons come to play,
Don't nobody want to help,
i got 22 steps all the way down to hell,
21 , I just took fashioned case of justice
without the intentions,
tell me if you must,
can't nobody ever save me, i am dust.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

"Make A Utopia" (Apart Of Me Origins Saga)

By Arcassin Burnham

Your Pressure is off putting cause damn its alot,
I'm worrying about things like trying not to get shot,
use to think I was nice, you use to think i was hot,
Now I'm just staring at the corner like , can you
carry that load of shame and guilt,
might as well feel your heart to see its real,
sitting next to your friend as a third wheel,
we could have an utopia, your girlfriend told you i was good to ya,
Your girlfriend told you was good for ya,
you don't know how to fucking love.
you really did take advantage of us.


Stupid of me , Stupid of me,

Now you're just a memory,
a lock kept secret in my dreams,
but you couldn't get a fuck out of me,
tired of you making a scene,
polishing the arguing,
I'm not too focused on the cream,
but you couldn't get a fuck out of me,

smarty of me , smarty of me,
lost all your memories,
took a new girl into my dreams,
I'm glad God made this freely,
look at you like your a joke,
watch out now , don't choke,
I'm so glad I'm too woke,

Couldn't give a fuck about the words you spoke.

Friday, November 22, 2019

"Bury My Heart / Buy Me"

"BMH / BM"
by Arcassin Burnham

Please me and tease me,
But don't say you will,
When we both know you won't and this love thing is wrong,
We've covered our hearts inside,
For just a quick fling and a fuck in a bed of lies,
And some watered eyes,
For no room to dry,
I just feel My Heart is deep , buried alive, so why lie?
Fated love and a pair of keys in time,
I've smoked up my love,
We both know I'm not what you need at this time,
You keep everything inside...


Come live in the countryside with me,
Mend all your broken ties with me,
But you rather stand and fight with me,
The game that you play ,you can't buy me,
Can't get love like this in the valley,
Hoped I crushed for lusting and empathy,
But you rather put the knife to me,
This game that you play , you can't buy me.

Come live in the countryside with me,
Believed it when you said you loved me,
But I know those words don't mean a thing,
The game that you play , you can't buy me,
Was the one that gave you good memories,
Got the right herbs for your energy,
Used me for it all apparently,
I can't wait to leave you here crying.

Monday, November 18, 2019

"Outside Your House" (Apart Of Me Origins Saga)

By Arcassin Burnham

Cause its about the only thing they say,
and its about the only thing they hear,
toxic people know their ways around here,
what is it about them?
do they have no more decency left?
why don't they just leave us alone,
cause its about the only thing they think,
I live through out my life to make sure your not alone,
i cross my crossword puzzles every-time that you
are gone,
we have just missed something,
they talk about us all night and all day,

Cause I'm outside your house with it,
I know you want to talk about it,
Cause thats about the only thing we do,
I'm outside your house with it,
I know that you doubt it,
i always keep my promises,
the only important thing is to me is you.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

"Point A"

By Arcassin Burnham

Pretty girl,
has her hands around my neck and it feels , nice.
pretty girl,
you got a chip on your shoulder,
you haven't got older,
i see it now.

I've tried and tried and tried to love you the way
a man should,
sometimes you gave that back.

Pretty girl,
you made a fool out of my love and never
wanted the peace.
pretty girl,
you're always at my damn throat,
you never shut up.

I never really loved your dumb ass in the first place,
I just wanted to get from point A to point B,
you left me hanging out in the dark,
then i stepped on your heart , peace and see you.

Friday, November 15, 2019

"Waits For No One"

By Arcassin Burnham

The universe waits for no one,
now its time to get out of bed and breathe that fresh air,
the external lifeform without experience is a cry for help,
dies for wealth,
flu comas , mistreated health,
think for no one , think for yourself,
jump on the elevator and reach a light,
I don't mean death but whats inside,
I got nothing to hide,
I got nothing to hide,
But if you keep being asleep Imma have to step
a mile and call you sheep,
damaged interior when you reach your peak,
The soul is light but you do not speak,
And you do not open your eyes just to see,
And you know you got the vultures that creep,

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

"Does It Matter Anymore At This Point In Time"___UIB

By Arcassin Burnham

My frustration is my only sin,
not seeing the fuckin' sight of it will leave my chest from caving In,
only a matter of time before we even see a purge again,
except this time it won't be written with a cinematic pen,
your lives are on the line , you're steady brainwashed again,
I'm done saving people with words man,
you and you and you and you and you are all the human equivalents
of the gullible,
simply not astronomical,
Are all our feelings and emotions real,
do i really know exactly how you really feel,
well is it too much,
Is there such thing as chill,
reading the gnostic bible , what will the light reveal.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

"Amor @ 2:12"___UIB

By Arcassin Burnham

If the situation is as complicated as it seems,
figure out how to own this shit and manifest your dreams,
run now , the vapors are opening,
the happening is so seeming,
you map out your cause and effect,
when reality tells you reality check and seems you lack
like lack luster with facts and all accordingly leading you
back to the real world ,
you really just gotta chill girl,
Luck doesn't exist but karma does , if its any constellation,
old times reside where the modern was , but its all a simulation,
you say you are all about good energy, still with complications?
The Vultures are lurking roun' the corner , that should be your occupation,
gotta rewire the program so right with perfection installation,
Don't give a fuck about fake friends , this was never about reputation.