Tuesday, April 24, 2018

"Mean Love"

"Mean Love"
By Arcassin Burnham

I know that you think shes beautiful,
And I know that you think that she'll
be better drifting off to sleep with you,
Walks on the beaches in your picture
And though you like her so, she still wants to make fun and ridicule you,
I'm starting to think you like that,
Wanna leave feelings , they fight back,
Not lying to yourself is a fact,
That love is not good when it is no
match , for chemistry,
Let her be,
Let her dream,
About the guy that she should have took,
Pregnant and her baby daddy left , its all over

Monday, April 23, 2018

"Dollar $ign"

"Dollar $ign"
By Arcassin Burnham

True nature would be equal to a God,
But you rather ignore what you have,
times are too short to be sad,
Sacrificing so much for greed, all that
you had,
Time is ticking and we gotta listen,
Lives are on the line to display the
While people walking around penny

We are so not far from the end,
Evils everywhere , even on the dollar that
you spend,
Nothing is fair,
They told you about the beast,
And how we always feed it,
Fuck disability checks , go for achievements,
We struggling with our damn demons,
Down for a truth seeking mission,
I aint reachin',
Have enough hard time learning,
I ain't teachin',
People kill each other for the dollar,
Steal from another all for the dollar,
Keep a gun in their pants for the dollar,
Selling their souls all for a dollar.

Wednesday, April 18, 2018


By Arcassin Burnham

*we live for this break*,
*‎as much things as we say*,
*‎there's no room for mistakes*,
*‎I'll be one with you*.

*we fight different devils*,
*‎we beat different levels*,
*‎some have hearts like gravel*,
*‎I'll be one with you*.

*you're the*,*only one that knows my*
Sayings are so fresh and new,
*I'd admire you and all the flaws*,
Wish I would have knewn you soon.

Dark days are ahead,
Dark days,
Dark days are ahead,
Dark days are ahead,
Dark days,
Dark days are ahead,
Dark days are ahead,
Dark days,
Dark days are ahead,
Dark days are ahead,
Dark days,
Dark days are ahead,

*being alone in this world could be the*
*worst if you know what the feelings are*
*worth*,*and so forth*,
*being alone in this world could be the*
*worst if you know what the feelings are*
*worth*,*and so forth*.

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

"I Pray / Things Get Better"

"I Pray / Things Get Better"
By Arcassin Burnham

The inner hate,
Leaving scraps on the dinner plate of
A life promise to yesterdays,
come at your throat and disgrace your
But who am I to be a burden,
Shit man I am the burden,
A bird then yet to not soar when our kind
But still stuck in an endless loop of sin,
Where the crisis actors get awards
nowadays for mocking an human's end,
You outta be ashamed but you aren't,
The world is messed up,
But I'm smart,
I love to make beautiful words out of a
circumstance in some lines that
shatter hearts,
But in a good way,
But what do you say?
Will the ignorance play a part in this today?
is it too late ? Can you ever be saved?
Became what you hate the most but
Still you pray? We all do.

It doesn't have to end like you think it
Plotting on the enemy might be a must,
Looking at your own burial kicking dust,
Trying not to fall in love with a succubus,
Be a man , its hard enough to be on my
Anxiety takes over my temple and exits
my throne,
I can not even trust anyone at home,
Why won't the devil just leave us all

*things will get better*.
*‎things will get better*.
*things will get better*.
*‎things will get better*.

I was on my own, needed no more help.
Where were you when I needed all that
No family support behind me.
When I was in trouble , did you believe

With your inner peace , you could truly be
free with a bundle of dreams and two
seater, two seater,
All of my friends are imaginary people
in a land of truth seekers , truth seeker.
With your inner peace , you could truly be
free with a bundle of dreams and two
seater, two seater,
All of my friends are imaginary people
in a land of truth seekers , truth seeker.

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

"Tree Plums"

"Tree Plums"
By Arcassin Burnham

This time,
I need a little more from this life,
This time,
Theres no more weaknesses in my mind,
This time,
This time,
This time.
Your ancestors and your family won't be proud of your lies,
the devil lurks from around corners provoking the mind and shadowing
Tell me how many times can you cheat
On her before she ends up with a different
Tell me will you ever change your ways 
this time,
I fight demons everyday but more urges
trying to gain my soul,
I hope this doesn't really haunt me with
Struggles that might end up taking me
How does it feel to know that probably
one day you might go to hell when you
I'm hoping the most high will give me
Some wings fly..

This time,
I need a little more from this life,
This time,
Theres no more weaknesses in my mind,
This time,
This time,
This time,
Hope that I could get a chance to fly,
To somewhere that's high,
Like the astral plane,
Eating all the plums off the tree of life,
Once again in this life this time,
*I wish I could fly*,
*‎right through my mind's eye*,
*‎A brand new life*,
*‎For a short time*,
*‎To look in Gods eyes*.

Monday, April 2, 2018

"Rainfall In A Transition"

"Rainfall In Transition"
By Arcassin Burnham

When it falls,
And it'll fall,
There's no way out.

Put up a fight,
And when it's time,
You will find out.

Cause when earth grows cold and the
people get weary and the bliss of an
Ignorant boy gets ready,
As the world in diversity, we know to love
another and the vultures fly over us,
They're plotting undercover,

With one mistake,
We cause a rift,
While in this time...

Put down your guards,
Let go of egos,
Silence your hate.

Especially those guns,
All this war,
It's all the same.

Cause when earth grows cold and the
people get weary and the bliss of an
Ignorant boy gets ready,
As the world in diversity, we know to love
another and the vultures fly over us,
They're plotting undercover,

Times are hard,
But in this case,
You will be fine...