Tuesday, May 30, 2017

"Beauty Described Pt.1"

"Beauty Described Pt.1"
By Arcassin Burnham

Borrowing pencils from you in class was blessing even in itself
While trusting my own instincts in a school full of slums,
Thinking what have it could have been if we knew each other
Already fulfilled with whatever that flows in our lungs,
I'm sorry please excuse me love , I'm drowning in your fucking eyes,
Don't ever let me glance that way again in the light,
She told me "OMG thank you" and smile and I just fainted on the
Ground with this good luck and left me rolling my eyes,
Her beauty is the beacon of a light that i walk in almost every time
When i get close to feel her body heat,
And as creepy as that sounds I took two seconds away from her
Day to notice me even when I was in the popular seat,

*And I just want to tell all y'all*,
*That she was already taken*,
*And I just want to tell all y'all*,
*That her beauty can't be mistaken*,

Receiving numbers left and right throughout the summer , she just
Don't know what to choose in those difficult times​,
Parties where I wasn't invited to was the only time I could literally
See her interact and FaceTime,
At lunch time they called her young June cause she was born on June the 22nd,
her smile was so elegant it tickles my spine,
I Just hope and pray and wish , and hope again that one day she will notice me,
Only in dreams cause it will never happen,

*And I just want to tell all y'all*,
*That she was already taken*,
*And I just want to tell all y'all*,
*That her beauty can't be mistaken*.

"Learn how compliments make you feel desired".

- Arcassin B.

Monday, May 29, 2017

"Statistic Of Love"

"Statistic Of Love"
By Arcassin Burnham

Apoligies won't come easy when liars recon and give every man a bad name,
cross your heart in solace thinking you would be the one after something tragic,
your sadly mistaken, its a damn shame,
enough love in your soul even when the demons fly and make you lose with
whatever you should've gained,
you might be popular but inside your lonley , pretty good for a story of distorted
Read about it , read about it,
can't deal without it , sleep profounded,
the love she had she went and threw it,
in trash full of lies and deciet,
would've thought that you knew it, would've thought that you knew it,
shes dead now , you blew it,
 would've thought that you knew it,
even dead or alive , this life isn't fair,
but why do we reside?

"Give Your Time To someone that deserves it".

- Arcassin B.

Sunday, May 28, 2017


By Arcassin Burnham

*I was just a loner with a hoodie and a deep mind*,

*Use to call your name in a crisis but you seem fine*,

*My name remains a mystery to you just wondering*,

*If anything you say is bad now* , *it's not comforting*,

*Finding coffee and comedy fastenating​ Everytime*,

*You didn't help me when I was down now don't you ever give me time*..

*Don't you ever come around*,
*Don't​ you ever look at me*,
*Don't you ever talk to me*..

*Don't you ever come around*,
*Don't​ you ever look at me*,
*Don't you ever talk to me*.

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

"Lost One"

"Lost One"
By Arcassin Burnham

Got no friends in midst of the chaos coming this way , it'll be here in a matter of seconds,
said the peace and called a truce because the war will never end in learning all of life's lessons,
bless the innocent and all they stand for with bliss in this harsh life to one day ask many questions,
spending life with so many absences and wondering the day about that permanent suspension..  

I can relate..
i know how it feel to be the lonely one,
theres only so much you could take,
i know how it feels to be confused Lost One.
best of luck to myself.
And you , And you , And you.
best of luck to myself.
And you , And you , And you, And you...

Life is short but never fails to bring up your short-comings in a time of weakening and so much lies,
theres no perfect way to say that life isn't hard and you struggle for no reason in this life but not quite,
money makes up mostly where you live and breath in this predicament , can't take it to the grave when you die,
people nowadays are so untrustworthy lying to your face and sabotaging , just right out of spite..

I can relate..
i know how it feel to be the lonely one,
theres only so much you could take,
i know how it feels to be confused Lost One.
best of luck to myself.
And you , And you , And you.
best of luck to myself.
And you , And you , And you, And you.

Monday, May 22, 2017

"Make It Clear"

"Make It Clear"
By Arcassin Burnham

This is for the teens that lay low and do nothing,
To the strugglers that don't really have money,
To the rich kids that don't even have a feeling,
or a care in the world for the porch monkeys,
spending money on stupid shit for a few summers,
That has friends on the track team and a front runner,
Nobody had your back all damn summer,
Just so i made it clear,

Kids are bullied everyday for other kids amusement,
cheap talk will get you killed in the streets your in,
deep feelings lay down underneath the cement,
if thats what you like , fornicate off your sin,
just looking for a purpose in the nearest sunshine,
no light shines in a coffin when you die,
suicide on your mind , telling people you'll be fine,
just so i made it clear,

isolated from the friends that you call your besties,
feeling like a third-wheel sitting in the backseat,
And before you know the day is put on repeat,
stuck on the same channel better change the t.v.
trying to find whats fake and whats real,
these people out here don't know how you feel,
you were the fool that slipped on that banana peel,
just so i made it clear,

... you were always there.

you were destined to do great things..

 you were always there.

"Tell The Truth".

- Arcassin B.

Sunday, May 21, 2017

"Image Of Healing"

"Image Of Healing"
By Arcassin Burnham

For you i would've traveled the world in any condition
and a power full of freedom of avoiding all extinction,
Promised a lot things in this cruel life but never got them
thinking back to how they always break them and never
replace them,
There's enough turmoil in the world for this,
there is too much love in the world to kiss,
There was too much memory in the world to forget,
Agony will strike the people left with hatred,
taking the breath away from yourself on what you said,
knowing when your word is born it would end up dead,
try not to get to close so i just made a light tread..

i would be there for any of you people,

but you people won't return the favor,

All this hatred and injustice in the world isn't necessary but,

i am not your savior,

Not in a world like this anyway,

imagination is key for these sort of things,
for these sort of things will not guide to be a God like you intended,
its just senseless with all the killing,
be a role model for your siblings,
but they're too far gone,
its time to move on,
Start with healing then progress,
life is short , they'll take your breath,
hell , it lingers like the other side of eve's breast,
haunted by a past that you regret,
yes , everything's a test,
past people were a waste of stress,
set your sights on something that you love is best,

i would be there for any of you people,

but you people won't return the favor,

All this hatred and injustice in the world isn't necessary but,

i am not your savior.

Thursday, May 18, 2017

"Wish Right Now Freestyle"

"Wish Right Now Freestyle"
By Arcassin Burnham

Wishes For the single mothers and their mothers too,
all across the cosmos , their the real protectors,
holding kids inside their bellies and saw no mile nutrition,
while going through a lot and feeling  a bit under the weather,
If you think the world is cold then wait til it gets in December,
childhood memories will fade and all will start to become clearer,
some will have room for the corrupt and all of these pretenders,
there's bigger problems here than me and you , we'll have to render,
lies are futile,
let you serve some shrine and move on,
so self-centered, when your born,
it's like letting night play with dawn,
teach yourself, not to swim with sharks,
my time is running out,
gotta get my life together,
i'm turning 20 now,
all this stress i could not compile.

Friday, May 12, 2017

"~srry~ #1"

"~srry~ #1"
By Arcassin Burnham

Soul cursed from birth with sins that made me think
not to pretend in a wicked world such as this,

i swear i could give a damn about your opinions when
burned deep into the skin of a grudging bliss,

Met my love that i still know in my life but never
reached toward a goal where i could have that kiss.
i'm sorry.

Thursday, May 11, 2017

"Want You To Want Me"

"Want You To Want Me"
By Arcassin Burnham

Chemistry embeds the heart and soul into
capacities that can not be measured,
Love Is limitless even to the people , just want
a piece of the pie when it severs,
As much ambition as i have in this world to
make a girl wanna stand up and praise,
treating the people how you wanna be treated
but instead they see you stuck all in your ways,
Got sick of love for awhile so i stuck to the
feelings of diamond valley,
got to know myself a little bit but in a nick of time
God called to me,
Told me about the long distant relationships and
heartaches with memories,
remembering a time way back when i told my ex,
i want you to want me,

I'm just tired of the love,
I'm just tired of the hate,
I'm just tired of the kissing,
I'm just tired of your face,
don't you tell me that you love me,
cause i know it ain't real,
don't tell me that you love.

"I could never have anything real anymore".

- Arcassin B.

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

WINGS : The Awakening (Official)

W   I   N   G   S :
T H E  A W A K E N I N G

1. I See Now (intro)

Doing well for yourself, you're on top of the world,
Son you could do anything,
Gain the confidence,
Use to be on the offense til you got your life I'm check,
Had bad days that you won't forget....
You use to fall , but now your all set,

I use to spend every waking moment going through a nightmare,
And the other moments trying to forget it,
I said that I would the absolute greatest in here,
I am the anomaly of myself so deal with it,
So you-see-now,

2. Sweet Nothings (ft. Pretty Brd)

**AB**: I was raised to not hurt a woman on any circumstances 
Even asserting myself as dominant and setting boundaries for
The both of us,
It comes with trust,
**PB**: Unity draws lines together, in lieu of that, I'm left nonplussed

**PB**: For equal, we walk hand in hand Building a life with shards 
of love and strands of hope Shaping a future, 
we two, 
**AB**: aiming to see a couple like us fly , don't cut our feathers,

**AB**: whispering but not talking at all, only to your soul and
Your mind to a depth and an abyss of a broken past between us
Don't mean a thing,
**PB**: Echoes of the the mockingbird sing,

**PB**: Reflections of rubble forged into bricks A foundation
greater than the pieces of we On which the house of love was built,
**AB**: I've loved you since my great depression and when your time
Stood still.

3. Never Coming Back

If I was hard on myself like am now ,
She would have been reframed from this some how,
Their minds are gullible like purposely tipped cows,
I got no time for your smart mouth,
Like That they say to me,
I once had chemistry,
With someone into me,
She was a beauty queen,
With some broken dreams,
Momma had stronger genes....
I loved her blue jeans,
The way she treated me.....
Never come back to me,
memories come back to me,

If she's smarter than she was like she is now,
She would never ever come back to this lost town,
So I don't have to hear her lecture when she's not around,
I got no time for your smart mouth,
Like That they say to me,
I once had chemistry,
With someone into me,
She was a beauty queen,
With some broken dreams,
Momma had stronger genes....
I loved her blue jeans,
The way she treated me.....
Never come back to me,
memories come back to me,
Cause I don't got no Time.

4. Oh! Purpose (How Could You Be Any Useful)

Was superstitions about the wrong doings I've gathered up
In my memory to be the victim of my own demise of keeping
Secrets and perpetuating lies to the people that deserve love 
even when they don't in hopes to see another day by God's wishes 
Making everything seem clear as it was all along in the beginning 
Of their births,
Everyday we know our worth,
The last thing we wanna feel is hurt,
Don't end up buried in the dirt,
Without a proper last word,
I feel bad for this poor earth.

5. Ya Might As Well (ft. Dr.Strange)

**AB**:Washed up is my middle name from all the
Goals of being worthless in this life and taking
Orders from a dead society,
I was always a loser even when I could not do
All the things  I've always set out be,
The end of energy,
**DS**: it seems my entire existence has been a false reality  As I claw my eyes out hoping I can't feel what I can't see  Mainly the society that always magnified the worse of me  Labeling me as loser before I could even breathe  Disbanding my dream to be great before it even manifested itself as a dream  So what's the point anymore  Life is as hopeless as it seems,
**AB**: trying to redefine all of our pedigrees and our innocence,
Praying to the Lord in our church's for the extra help to keep our
Jobs and maintain the confidentiality to stay from bad things,
You do you and I do me ain't rap lyrics, it means something,
Working for the man ain't easy but it's something,
I had a temporary love for crafting things into my own image
When I was in God's image and learning his sons sacrifice to
Make it right for all of us especially the good people with moral
Values and heightened awareness of the things that creep on this
Planet's surface,
Can be as stable,
And you,
Can make it right,
Why don't you just start tonight,
Ya might as well, til judgment day.

6. Maybe This Will Be My Cure 

Am I alive or just breathing in a dead corpse,
The silence is where my heart use to be,
God coming through for me,
Harvested the honey tree,
O! How I was just a simpleton to everyone's superiority
In bashfulness and unloyalty,
But I'm me,
What about you,
Like what about you,
I don't like you,
You didn't believe in me when I was kicked down on the 
Ground with a hundred feet stomping me,
Doing things for myself is always the best company,
I wondered what I would've done if I hadn't been just doing
Things for me,
It's the best cup of tea,
That myself gave to me ....... of that makes any sense,
I don't know maybe this is my cure after all.

7. We'll Make It  (ft. Olivia Kent)

**AB**:Wasn't sure how you would take it when I said i
Didn't need ya,
*OK*: I cried myself to sleep, my pillow wet with tears deep,
You left me broken, now I'm choking,
**AB**: young , wild , and free like the day of dawn or from
What I can gather , that's how you felt,
*OK*: So glad you're free , I was you bird just let me be , just
The end of what it was because....
**AB**: I'm a mess in disguise with a burden so big that you
need a microscope to see the how empty I am inside like the
Rot of an apple in your hands as it does when you make poor
Decisions in beautiful virtues, it always comes back to haunt
Something *OK*: Called love has destroyed my soul, 
I'm fighting to beat it, 
makes no sense at all, 
your core is so rotten the worms doth feast and they've got pangs of hunger, refuse to retreat,
**AB**: We'll Make it through this, I know we can as life
Could have many feats.

8. Magic Spells

...And still today I'm sitting in my own personal
Hell awaiting your touch blazed in a firey mist of
Bullshit of my list of mistakes that I've dealt with
Cause life's what I made it out to be, turning the
Other cheek to every situation that follows me,
Reflecting the doubts and opinions that creep with
I see beauty in every direction and corner that forms
A sense of freedom for all of us to share running
Through the trees,


The witches brew running all over your skin,
Mixing up the potion just to settle world's end,
I wish we could have made it a lot better then,
We're at ground zero and there's really no defense.

Monday, May 8, 2017

"Maybe This Will Be My Cure" - (Featured on WINGS : The Awakening coming May9th)

"Maybe This Will Be My Cure" 
by Arcassin Burnham

Am I alive or just breathing in a dead corpse,
The silence is where my heart use to be,
God coming through for me,
Harvested the honey tree,
O! How I was just a simpleton to everyone's superiority
In bashfulness and disloyalty,
But I'm me,
What about you,
Like what about you,
I don't like you,
You didn't believe in me when I was kicked down on the 
Ground with a hundred feet stomping me,
Doing things for myself is always the best company,
I wondered what I would've done if I hadn't been just doing
Things for me,
It's the best cup of tea,
That myself gave to me ....... of that makes any sense,
I don't know maybe this is my cure after all.

W   I   N   G   S :
T H E  A W A K E N I N G

May 9th

Sunday, May 7, 2017

"Sweet Nothings" (ft. Pretty Brd) - (Featured On "WINGS : The Awakening" coming May 9th)

"Sweet Nothings"
By Arcassin B. & Pretty Brd

**AB**: I was raised to not hurt a woman on any circumstances 
Even asserting myself as dominant and setting boundaries for
The both of us,
It comes with trust,
**PB**: Unity draws lines together, in lieu of that, I'm left nonplussed

**PB**: For equal, we walk hand in hand Building a life with shards 
of love and strands of hope Shaping a future, 
we two, 
**AB**: aiming to see a couple like us fly , don't cut our feathers,

**AB**: whispering but not talking at all, only to your soul and
Your mind to a depth and an abyss of a broken past between us
Don't mean a thing,
**PB**: Echoes of the the mockingbird sing,

**PB**: Reflections of rubble forged into bricks A foundation
greater than the pieces of we On which the house of love was built,
**AB**: I've loved you since my great depression and when your time
Stood still.

W   I   N   G   S :
T H E  A W A K E N I N G

May 9th