Tuesday, February 28, 2017

"Real Vacant / My Own"

"Real Vacant / My Own"
By Arcassin Burnham

I don't really count my blessings
If I did,
I'd keep a notepad,
I haven't really learned my lessons
If I did
I'd be on the right path,
Or a bunch of outskirts pushing and landing
In my way and putting voices in my head to
Help me take away the pain of feeling the
Pressure to move forward in my life and
Better myself in this cruel and sick twisted
Planet where there are all false teaches,
No more fake speeches,
No more stars in the sky for people's reaches,
No more fun or sunshine
For the people that get stepped on and
No more keeping folks in line for all these
Stupid rules,
*Things have been getting real vacant*
*leaving my life to struggle*,
I will not die a coward.


**I've been on my own since the day**
**has gone**
**all my friends are gone**
**I'm just still at home**
**of course I'm all alone**
**I'm just waiting on**......
**the right day**
**I've been on my own since the day has gone**
**the skies are red**
**I'm feeling dead**,
**but I wanna die the right way**
**with something lodged in my head**
**I've been on my own**.

"Things Change for People"

- Arcassin B.

Monday, February 27, 2017

"Right For Me / In My Mind"

"Right For Me / In My Mind"
By Arcassin Burnham

Your love for me,
Is not right for me,
I could see our dreams,
*floating into little pieces*,
You need to be,
Away from me,
I don't want to
*The epitome*,
of your love that is not right for me,
I don't want you to fight for me,
You're just a memory, 
Get off of me,
Your the past to me,
Please understand my plea,


No future is upon us nor has God even spoken,
About the ones who made it,
Only a few have been chosen,
I'm talking about the rapture honey,
I'm not a scientist,
If you pay me enough I'll be your personal 

*are you listening*
*is there something in your mind*
*the skies are clearly brightening*
*love we're running out of time*.

"I could only imagine what the future will hold".

- Arcassin B.

Friday, February 24, 2017


by Arcassin Burnham

On rainy days like this one here was just a wreck
in a short distant memory that only i can recollect,
i had to process the problems in my head to really
check on the thoughts in the air of my forehead to
break a sweat,
And you would have thought i pepped,
the people that push up my problems in a flash while
thinkin' back in this reality a man,
That i am more than them in every way to be exact
and not cocky but very optimistic to say i can.

"Be strong , its a survival thing".

- Arcassin B.

Monday, February 20, 2017

"Is Key / Leg Room"

"Is Key"
By Arcassin Burnham

Watching the flame burn out quicker than most of the times
When I've seen a lot,
Going back to the times in school when I was an outcast and
The feelings were shot,
I'll put myself on display for enemies and envyers just to see,
I have confidence in myself like all you should have in empathy,
Still searching for a way to get out of this place but its still a
problem now,
too much sweat on my face and brow kinda leaked from depression
and disarray,
distorted vision and constant pacing in a room with a broken face,
Looking to the past,
i'm so glad you should ask how i'm doing every time you gain popularity,
turn around and laugh,
when i would speak to you in a world full of starving kids that don't
do half the things you do,
ignoring is key but later on in life you're gonna need someone to
vent to when your days are through.


"Leg Room"
by Arcassin Burnham

Sometimes we could all look for love in 72 places at once,
And all the others just wanna criticize and bring you down,
instead of being positive they're blunt,
But they just need a little leg room , a leg room,
to get out this stress they afflict on you,
its hard to be positive i understand too,
by all these little reckless things that we do,
we need a little leg room , leg room;
decisions don't come easy when we choose,
Be around people that'll understand you,
by all the lovely things that you do,

Blinded by the light but it'll teach us,
taunted by the strong knowing that the're really just like us,
living all through the system with your bible in your hand,
but not knowing they're getting ready to judge us,
if this wasn't hard enough,
to gain what we earned in this stuff,
a society that's corrupt,
you would have thought that we were stuck,
you see depression is a given in this world , we can't adjust,
please trust,
and give your time to people that don't sell out or backstab,
we ain't a free people,
guess thats why we just need to laugh,
when was the last time you ever had fun with your dad,
and all the embarrassing things he does and had a great tact,
i don't know why i mentioned that,
But i just need a little leg room , a leg room,
but really this my gift to all of you.

"Actually , trust is key".

 - Arcassin B.

Friday, February 17, 2017

"Unknown #25"

"Unknown #25"
By Arcassin Burnham 

How did I sleep on this?
How did I manage to keep myself in this charade 
Any longer then I need to even fathom if I believed you,
It still wouldn't be the same,
Everyone is a victim, 
Pushing lies on one another just to see how it
Will impact them,
I've been there,
Done that,
For sure it wasn't an impact,
It was an improvement to see how fake people 
Thinking out loud, 
Days have became a bit solid and filled with 
Sorry that there's no trace of psychedelia, 
Just me and a couple of snacks with a liter root beer 
Sitting in the corner of grandma's room,
Flowers keep blooming outside putting roots on
The wall and savoring the roof.

"Its never too late to change what you don't want in life".

- Arcassin B.

Thursday, February 16, 2017


by Arcassin Burnham

If trust is highly cautious nowadays then i should really stop the act,
if fake is fake and real is real then please don't let the opposites attract,
people wanting more than friends that care about themselves and then turn their backs,
but i just need a friend that would be as loyal as the hump on a camels back,
so why don't you just,
spare me the pity and,
fall out the back door with,
too many colors of,
your true intentions its,
not my fault that i'm just,
one of the good ones yes,
one of the true ones yes,
one of the loyal ones yes...

but from you i need more assurance yes,

Dealt with more fake people than the great wall had intruders that attacked,
In these days i'd rather be alone in this room writing all a bunch of facts,
To a man that has no reputation piercing through the traffic for a crash,
to have a friend would be delightful but people always leave and never come back,
so why don't you just,
spare me the pity and,
fall out the back door with,
too many colors of,
your true intentions its,
not my fault that i'm just,
one of the good ones yes,
one of the true ones yes,
one of the loyal ones yes...

but from you i need more assurance yes.

"Always find people that find time for you".

- Arcassin B.

Thursday, February 9, 2017

"Purple Information"

"Purple Information"
By Arcassin Burnham  

I search to find the truth in
you and all these places, 
But the information turns purple 
and loses its breath Each time, 
Can't put the stress on my body 
enough to see all these Faces, 
But the circumstances are falling 
out of silver colored skies, 
Limit all of your chances,
Time to make some changes, 
You've spent your whole life in 
a house where people Don't get the message, 
Why the long face, 
why the sense of unenlightened feelings, 
Like a punch in the face each time
I make mistakes, 
For that....
*the information has died*.

"Communication Is One Of Those Keys".

- Arcassin B.

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

"...I Do Care" (Original)

"... I DO CARE"
By Arcassin Burnham

I Hope you look at me the same way even in death as you breathe your last breath
floating up as well,
I bet there would be a bunch of welcoming arms leading you to where I and the
angels play , its going well,
Just to see your pretty face again will be blessing even in heaven
where we reside,
And Love i promise i will never leave you ever in that life again now we
could sleep in paradise,

*Glad we ran to the light*,
*Swear on that earth we would fight*,
*I don't know whatever reason but i regret everything i said to you that*
*you didn't like*,
*Glad that we*,*had lip-locked eyes*,
*commencing love* , *at first sight*,
*You would always laugh when i said the dumbest things on our first date*,
*then i told you babe i wonder what heaven looks like*,
*And now we're here together*,

*But i use to hate when you said you thought i didn't care*,
*But i do*.

"Love is very strong , Especially in death".

- Arcassin Burnham

Sunday, February 5, 2017

"Trip Back"

"Trip Back"
By Arcassin Burnham 

I fell in love with your ignorance, 
It didn't show cause you were heaven sent,
I started aiming for the craziness, 
Then took a trip back to my consciousness, 
I fell in love with a your innocence, 
Theres nothing crazy about deliverance, 
I push your buttons cause I care with bliss,
I was use to whatever heaven sent,

Staring at the cold ground with sore eyes and leaky 
Laying at corners of my head that's dripping from
My pockets,
I don't have a lot of money to buy some fancy
But to impress you just to caress you is not an option, 
So I walk through these blue lights,
The subject I can no longer bite, 
Hanging out on the cold winter night with a box
Of menthols and the devil cries,
the evening is certainly quite, 
A sight to see up in the night sky,
But tonight this love can not die,
And this is the reason why I said...
I fell in love with your ignorance, 
It didn't show cause you we're heaven sent,
I started aiming for the craziness, 
Then took a trip back to my consciousness, 
I fell in love with a your innocence, 
Theres nothing crazy about deliverance, 
I push your buttons cause I care with bliss,
I was use to whatever heaven sent,
Whatever heaven sent.

"If your love is strong for someone, deal with them".

- Arcassin B.

Saturday, February 4, 2017

"A Man Today"

"A Man Today"
By Arcassin Burnham

Walking Through a lot of dead shadows,
Dirt covering the coffin leaves a dry rose,

The troubles of the world creates a wormhole,
For the fears that you posses and brewed up on a clean stove,

Might Have dealt with some issues in the pass,
Girlfriend left you for a guy that drives fast,
a crash..

But There is no need to be so hateful,
In a world of sin and people raised shameful,

"Life is definitely Short .....don't waste it".

- Arcassin B.

Thursday, February 2, 2017

"~sit with me~ (To Drown)"

"~sit with me~ (To Drown)"
By Arcassin Burnham 

*Just a little bit of lush in my heart for you*,
*If anything*,
*I promise to be true*,
With the little bit of pride in my heart to protect for
Whatever reason,
*I'll be there for you*,
*in any part of the seasons*,
If I'm feeling kinda generous today,
*I'll sit next to you*....

Being apart of your life was always my pride and joy,
Not like those guys that just act as tools,
Say that they're men but end up leaving you destroyed,
Waddling in dirt like a pack of graveling wolves,
I was a brighter beacon in your beliefs,
Of ever having someone good in life and in bed,
As tempting as that sounds , I'm not that kind of guy to drown
In lust, to be whatever you want me to be,
Wanna be good instead,
Don't come off as tough, wouldn't say I'm a diamond,
But I shine when things get rough,
Looking for my soul like where did it go, in those 22 seconds,
I'm not down for a lesson,
Don't have to be a smarty pants to know about life's aggression,

"Get to know somebody, never know if they're the one".

- Arcassin B.

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

"All That You Are / Ones Mind"

"All That You Are / Ones Mind"
By Arcassin Burnham

You might have ran away from the cops
A few times and the insane crime rate 
Really influenced,
You may have stole from your moms purse
And she will never find that your little ego
Made you do it,
You make these bad decisions in your life
Cause your father was never there and your
Mother don't understand, 
All these bad choices don't make you who you
You have to fight and take a stand,
to be a man, that should be the plan,
All that you are can't be centered around 
an Evil and warm embrace, 
Just splash some water right in your face,
And say that your better than this bad space,
Cant lose your life over this,
And its just another phase.


*My mind is like a glass figure ready to be cracked*,
*pushing pulses and making eye contact hurts my soul*,
*I am to the edge, making one last impression on others*,

*beautiful faces with bad intentions*,
*exploring the darker side of life and love and places*,
*no one knows what goes on in ones mind but lets be*
*clear that they have pleasant thoughts and areas*
*of the brain that gives a damn about the stress and strain*
*of it all while tackling situations first hand in combat*.

"You Can Always change directions in your life".

- Arcassin B.