Saturday, December 31, 2016

"Fiona's Love"

"Fiona's Love"
By Arcassin Burnham 

*And You've tried and tried and tried*..
*To make everything work out just fine*..
*And your sacrifice*..
*Will bring a beauty so delightful*,

Plus you're a hardcore badass that don't take no shit,
*From no one*,
You had a love denyingly that any man couldn't handle,
*It was too fun*.
They couldn't stand a chance even if they tried..
I'm glad you see a great vision in your life..
*In your life*,
*I bet you'll find a purpose to survive*,
*I know you have the family by your side*,
*hope this doesn't come with a price*,
*In your life*,
*I bet you'll find a purpose to survive*,
*I know you have the family by your side*,
*hope this doesn't come with a price*,

*And You've tried and tried and tried*..
*To make everything work out just fine*..
*And your sacrifice*..
*Will bring a beauty so delightful*.

"She is actually in my opinion one of the best characters on t.v.".

- Arcassin B.

Thanks for Reading My 2016 poems !!
20/17 here We Come!!!

Friday, December 30, 2016

"Flame #8"

"Flame #8"
By Arcassin Burnham 

You'll be blinded by the social scene in corners of your
Brain is shutting off right as we speak,
I'm looking at the t.v. and every lie that's spoken on
The news its what we don't get to see,
Record every moment spent with your family declaring 
As an alpha, you will make decisions wisely, for the kids,
Cause they will see better days,
But get them pass these flashing screens ,
Away from the evils , away from the insane,
Won't make you a better parent than me, not being cocky,
For I prepare for every contengency,
I'll never be like the family that was birthing before me,
Carrying around secrecy like it's a sport,
I promise you all I never will come up short,
I'm still on the rise,
While you sit and just scrutinize,
I swear I will have no time,
For the ignorance that you possess,
See the fire in my eyes.

"Stay from the evils of this world".

- Arcassin B.

Thursday, December 29, 2016

"Level With You"

"Level With You"
By Arcassin Burnham 

You might have a mother that cares...
And a father that plays sports with you...
But I never had all of that...
So I'm not gonna level with you...

And while I walk around with shame and dread to not
Having the perfect family, I'm thankful for all my siblings..
While the burden is half mine to bare , I have to put up with
An auntie and a grandma that are so self-centering,
And last but least , the one that I ignore and never give my love
To is my dearest mother that's always lying,
I need to do what's right for me,
Due to all the memories,
And these weird bottled feelings,
I wanna know what it's like to live in beauty,
My word is set,
I completely digress,
In any situation that I come across, fact check,
I've been bakeracted six times for meaningful reasons,
And the 7th time we'll just keep It a secret.

You might have a mother that cares...
And a father that plays sports with you...
But I never had all of that...
(You know The Rest :))

"Don't compare me".

- Arcassin B.

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

"Hold You"

"Hold You"
By Arcassin Burnham 

Love I can not describe,
By the looks in my eyes,
She possesses the fire, of a Phoenix,
Theres a reason to fight, while having trust issues,
Just feeling so heavenly getting a contact high,
My love she just can't deny or despise,

*Just* , *hold* , *On*..
*Just* , *hold* , *On*...

[There was,
A slight miscommunication...
I didn't lose focus of you in my mind,
There's nothing wrong with Continuating...
I hate , that relationships do take time,
And I'm tired of waiting all the while for your touch..
And I hate the fact of you finding someone new..]

*Just* , *hold* , *On*..
*Just* , *hold* , *On*.

"Hold on to that one person that will stay til the end".

- Arcassin B.

Monday, December 26, 2016

"Dark Mist"

"Dark Mist"
By Arcassin Burnham 

I've watched you your whole life,
I want you to do right , that's what God would say..
I've watched you your whole life,
I want you to fuck up, that's what the devil would say..
Depression that eats you up , anxiety humiliates,
But in any case,
Some dark parts of my soul need to be cleaned out and
I'm willing to wait,

In this darkness , in this darkness,
Wondering where has my mind gone..
In this darkness , in this darkness,
I just wanna be all alone...
In this darkness , in this darkness,
Unusual to be home grown,
In this darkness , in this darkness,
Lord please just take me home...

*You don't know where you're going*,
*but you don't know where you've been*,
*trying not to remember*...
*You don't know where you're going*,
*in these dark days ahead*,
*you better find yourself a new*...
In this darkness , in this darkness,
I better have a light shine down,
I've watched my whole reputation crumble to little pieces under
My feet , it always got me down,
In this darkness  , in this darkness,
You don't know where you're going,
*There's nobody else around*,

In this darkness , in this darkness,
Wondering where has my mind gone..
In this darkness , in this darkness,
I just wanna be all alone...
In this darkness , in this darkness,
Unusual to be home grown,
In this darkness , in this darkness,
Lord please just take me home...

"Remember, faith is always there to pull you out".

- Arcassin B.

Sunday, December 25, 2016

"Inside Of Me Freestyle"

"Inside Of Me Freestyle"
By Arcassin Burnham 

Lady for your information I don't need a phycologist
To reveal my mind,
My personal discretion is not any of your business,
I really don't have the time,
Talk is so cheap in America that in anywhere else it would
Cost a mill,
Guess that's why this generation of people may extort , kill,
Sell and steal,
Reputation still at its peak and I'm more wise than anybody 
So if you're thinking you could break my silence to bullshit
Then enforce the fear,
Mixed opinions and doubts about everything I do intrigues you to
The core,
But I have light deep inside of me while taking me home and snippeting
What's in store.

"I will continue to do right by me , I suggest you do the same".

- Arcassin B.

Merry Christmas Ya'll 🌠⛄🎆🎄
And A Happy New Year 🎉

Saturday, December 24, 2016

"~rose's thorn~"

"~rose's thorn~"
By Arcassin Burnham

To find a perfect love in someone else's arms
And finding the courage to intrude, 
Don't fall into a thorn bush , the sharpness of
It all might get into you,
Bleed the blood of a man who wants to know where the beauty originated and confirm the most vital information to finding bliss in these woods,
Not enough love in the world to help a sick 
Or a cancer patient,
Or a dying family member, 
The rose dies in the end anyway,
There's no use for the sad songs or pianos that play almost frequently when there's something bad happening, 
It feeds on the eternal struggle,

*don't get a cut*.

"The perfect love is the worst love".

- Arcassin B.

Friday, December 23, 2016

"Ask For Much / 5:03"

"Ask For Much / 5:03"
By Arcassin Burnham 

All I want is for a Chance to get a life and better myself without 
All I want is my own room and my own bed to sleep in because it's what
I never had and,
All I want is to spend the holidays the right way and want everybody 
To get in the spirit,
But Right Now , All I want is to get away from here,
Please Lord can you grant my wish cause I don't wanna live
In fear,
Tell me do I really ask for much..
Didn't occurred to me that I mattered that much..
Maybe because I use to care so much...


*I would say I'd surrender but I've fallen out*,
*you and me have to agree that everyone has*
*a choice to deal without*,
*different degrees of light don't really make a*
*you and I could be more than just distance*

And when the lights go down and moods set
And your eyes are filled with water,
And your face turns purple,
With the pale moon light,
And the devils screaming hello,
From afar,
Just mocking who you are.

"I wanted something pure than life itself".

- Arcassin B.

Thursday, December 22, 2016

"Young Wonder #6"

"Young Wonder #6"
By Arcassin Burnham 

Showing kindness in an speechless manner to make
Anybody wanna resent you even more than they already have,
Dipping toes in the lake below having a fresh calmness in
The world you don't wanna really be in,

Where does the after life go when the lights dim in a four wall room
Without a door to open,
Loss of breath,
No hand to hold in times of discomfort,
Don't make it sound more depressing than it has to be , just learn,
Be vigilant to everything and everyone around making moves like
It's black Friday with fists flying,

You are a symbol for what kindness is and kindness is what
Everyone should have,
It's apparent that everything that has happened will be for reason
And not for a cause but improving the change,
You came along way young one.

"..But Christmas is coming at least".

- Arcassin B

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

"2am Thoughts / ~shy~"

"2am Thoughts / ~shy~"
By Arcassin Burnham

I look to find the decadence and beauty in every 
Situation while allowing myself to let go,
Knowing that nothing will work out,

What I seek is salvation and freedom from this
World of deceitful human beings,
It will not be able in my life to commence or be

It's 2 o clock and not tired or afraid to share what's 
On my mind this evening. 

*I'm proud of myself*


Save your body,  flesh,  and mind for new days
That might come,
don't hold your head down,
Pieces start flowing from the Everglades,
Pieces of you have made me smile,
Have you ever
A sacrifice 
To make things right with all the family members
you Had,
so their thoughts could be with you,
Swimming in the lakes of confusion,
Come to terms with all the nervousness, 
And put me in your memories,
Please don't be shy because of me.

"Late night adventures are fun".

- Arcassin B.

Tuesday, December 20, 2016


By Arcassin Burnham

Find Salvation in the leaves,
Liking for a day without rain to match the demise,
**Drip** \ **Drop**/ **Drip** \ **Drop** Dripping from the
Corpse, of course it bleeds,
**Drip** \ **Drop**/ **Drip** \ **Drop** making calm
Ripples free with ease,
Darker days are coming for the ones that sign their Name in
Looking for a new host to play the part, nope ! I am not the one,
To bring you to freedom , the things that you serve,
Will only get you in deep fire and brimstone plus the gnashing of teeth,
When I'm speaking his name , you only seek vengeance and run away so cowardly,
Thinking you see right through me, I'm learning how complacent
You are,
When you judge , it's not the level of polite , serves you right for
Gambling with my life,

Criticise and scrutinize , man do your worse,
I been through worse and I've seen demons at their early birth
While in my sleep at times when I can't move and my eyes are
Still open,
My mind is clear and I'm aware that the devil has spoken,
**Drip** \ **Drop**/ **Drip** \ **Drop** , having dripped
Another since dear old pops died,
**Drip** \ **Drop**/ **Drip** \ **Drop** , looking for another
Way to save my life,
I gotta get out of here , but I'm the beacon and the brightest
Light to see everything clear.

"Getting Through This Life Will Be A Journey".

- Arcassin B.

Sunday, December 18, 2016

"The Unknown Flame #1"

"The Unknown Flame #1"
By Arcassin Burnham

A young boy training to be a fully grown man is practical,
I was thinking about my step dad and how he was an asshole,
Remember all the times when I would wanna send my soul
Off to heaven,
Getting ready for a lucky 97,
Birth years are overrated anyway when people struggle just to
Love The one they dream but knowing half the people would
Rather see you crumble just to make themselves so noticeable
In a situation you could not hold your own any longer,
Just to save your life,
Playing all the cards , don't mean it's right,
Sitting at the red light , waiting for the green to take me
Home with a 40 ounce can and mind full of doubts hoping I just
Make it through this life somehow,
If you didn't know then , your about to know now,
Tried to kill myself 6 times without making a sound.


- Arcassin B.

Saturday, December 17, 2016

"Bye #1"

"Bye #1"
By Arcassin Burnham

Two crossed lovers with one common goal,
To find their way to each other and bind their souls in gold,
I was told , to find a woman with a peaceful heart,
Must've told myself that , cause nobody would enroll,
The facts of life to be a man and understand all of the urges,
Now stuck in a time where I gotta give myself more courage,
My family always had a hand in all of my contingencies,
I hope these ignorant complacent people stop trying me,
When I have a child of my own, he or she will have the advantage to
Learn things on their own , he or she will know the meaning of respect when
It condones,
He or she will know there won't be any favorites on this throne,
They don't have to know about their grandmother,
Does it bother me in any way to never let my kids see the woman
That should've gave me more love,
Or the woman that locked me away when I needed someone to
Go to , but I had no one,
Thats why I'm leaving everyone,

"Making something of myself was always the goal".

- Arcassin B.

Thursday, December 15, 2016

"Backyard Freestyle Pt.1"

"Backyard Freestyle Pt.1"
by Arcassin Burnham

Leave it to you to put the pieces in sequential order
going from length to length in hopes that you could
make it right,
Leave it to you to find a solution in every situation 
even though the beautiful truth will never see the
weights that i lift and faces i kiss when its necessary
to give in and let people in and i always get hurt,

i created a thought in my head that in life problems you
have always been there, but I've never had that type of
experience to belong in this world,

Let me be and I'll give you a friendship 
you couldn't have asked,

definition of a disappointment , life loves to make you
feel like an outcast.

"Just somethings I wanna share , like I haven't been sharing a lot".

- Arcassin B.

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

"Flying On The Other Side (Fade With Color)"

"Flying On The Other Side (Fade With Color)"
By Arcassin Burnham

My consciousness is fully intact,
From the things that I've summoned,

I've giving my all to being a human being,
I just need a vacation,

Flying on the other side , you told me that we
Would be alright,
You lied,
It was never us to qualify or be in love,
You're young,
And I'm just traumatized,
I told you all the things a youngin' would want to hear,
You were caring but you never cherished years,
Your dreams,
They fade with colors of a broken home,
I don't know what to tell you now cause you left me alone,
Despite the age difference,
I'll never stop loving you,
Won't you come to your senses and keep from
Being blue,
And listen to me when I say I trust in you,
But you just had to make an exit or an excuse,
I'm done with you.

"People that won't allow their past to consume them are the best people",

- Arcassin B.

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

"Live Like This"

"Live Like This"
By Arcassin Burnham

Sometimes I've had enough of childish kids acting
Like they're grown men & women in society,
We don't gotta live like this....
It's hard enough that everyday someone dies and you
Feel like you should have said something to them,
You don't gotta live like this.....
Kids around the world with cancer and illnesses wondering
Where did this come from,
They don't gotta live like this.....
Young girls out on the streets selling themselves and the boys just
Rob and kill,
And they don't gotta live like this.......

*What could the future possibly hold*,
*For all of us*?
*I've seen it all before*,
*it's dangerous*....
*better make your presence known*,
*For him in the sky*....
*building castles with the most high*,
*can't wait to fly*.

"The troubles of this world will come to the light when the most high arrives".

- Arcassin B.

Monday, December 12, 2016

"~its been a while"

"~its been a while~"
By Arcassin Burnham

Morbid Souls that don't get by,
The days are short so dry your eyes,
We all got demons and they got demons too, don't just lay
Down and die,
Swinging side by side,
We stick on the ground until we fly,
Trials and tribulations you gotta go through just to be with
The most high,

*It's been a while since you seen me*...
*drowning in sorrow like watching the world burn and all*
*the birds just fall*...
*I've lived through it all*,
*why didn't you save me*,
*you left on the first*, *flight back to your home town*,
*while I was at worst*,
*You know I have no more worth here*....
*No calls*,*no E-mail*,*how could you forget about me*,
*reminiscing or future before our memories*,
*I thought you cared about love*,
*oh look how selfish of me*..
*it's been a while*.

"People That Forget about you now weren't your friends at all".

- Arcassin B.

Sunday, December 11, 2016

"Truly Amazing"

"Truly Amazing"
By Arcassin Burnham

My intention isn't wasting your time , I'll make sure of that,
Choosing nights where we would blur on the side just like cataracts,
I'll do anything for you , I wouldn't let you down...
I'm your Knight and shining armor of love , lifting you up,
I hope I'm the one that you're thinking of ,not giving up,
I'll do anything for you , I wouldn't let you down...
Cause you're truly amazing....
Cause you're truly amazing....

Senseless when I'm staring in your sight of my whole future
Flashing pleading begging not to hurt you in a world full of
Diversity and chaos like hurricanes knock over trees that land
On your front roof,
I'm getting off topic , what does this have to do with the love I have
For you,

Cause you're truly amazing....
Cause you're truly amazing....

"Love & Cherish every each other"

- Arcassin B.

Saturday, December 10, 2016

"Chill Baby"

"Chill Baby"
By Arcassin Burnham

Theres a promise land,
One for each of us,
Some want power and lust,
I believe in God we trust,
Pink material in need,
Verses say the flesh is weak,
Forget tough , be cool,
Won't be taken seriously,
Men that run without phase,
Cold hearts won't give,
Lord help all the crazed,
Can't imagine how they live,
If this is really the end,
Hurry up and live your life,
No time to pretend anymore when you look at the cameras and lights,

I remember dreaming of a life with my first love when In reality
She was an asshole that didn't care for emotions or boyfriends or 
people Less fortunate than herself laughing at me while I was being
Bullied in middle school,
Everybody's cruel, even your family that don't want you to be alive 
To tell the stories of what happen to you,
Lost in disbelief or what ever the hell this boy is talking about,
Everybody else got the same impression without a doubt,
While all the kids from highschool that walked over me is living
Lavish , I'll be home writing to get a publishing deal in fact,
I know I'm not alone due to the 5,000 others in Florida,
Staring at the break of death cause they don't wanna live with mental disorders.

"I may have had a bad life but I won't take it out on people I haven't known"

- Arcassin B.

Friday, December 9, 2016

Berries Part 2

"Berries Part 2"
By Arcassin Burnham

Sweet embrace choosing like the holy Grail,
Let the rain fall , my soul is not for sale,
Not really fun when you burn in hell,
Demons talking to you like fresh meat in jail,
Citrus feeling minds with all things not from earth,
Drawn to a love no certain than a common worth,
Even since you been a mistake on the day of your birth,
Suicide is something you don't really wanna blurt,
Nearing to the end like do you see a vision?
It was pleasant all before , don't bring any tension,
Envisioning a utopia, when they buried ya,
Riding in a silver Toyota, in a frozen tundra,
If the kitchen knives don't drop,
Dreamt of this your whole life, now you can't stop,
Don't know how I missed this part of agony , it was a tragedy,
It's your face they'll crop,
Red doors open when you see the error of your ways dying like
Obese guy laughing at athletes,
It'll take you two whole lifetimes just to get under my skin and walk
Over me,
But you are below me , I'm more of a man than any ignorant demon would 
Ever Portray,
The taste of these and the taste of those will leave me immortal,
I won't die today.

"Wrote the first one years ago and I just thought...hey! Why not?".

- Arcassin B.

Thursday, December 8, 2016

"Aim Riddim"

"Aim Riddim"
By Arcassin Burnham

Touching The Skin,
Scriptures depend,
Doing things that sin won't be held accountable for then again,
Heart turned to stone in a matter of seconds way before the end,
We tempted to love and just give it a try but she left me for a friend,
Sacrificed a love for a another she was aiming after tricking me
Making me think that we could be a trustworthy couple that will
Handle anything when it comes to taking care,
I was ready for marriage and we all knew you didn't care,


Daffodils where the old well use to be laying out a piece
Of cloth in the moonlight,
My memory doesn't serve me well feeling all the things
That I feel held in this life.

"Please find the right one for you and not a bunch of assholes".

- Arcassin B.