Friday, September 29, 2017

"Bye #3"

"Bye #3"
By Arcassin Burnham

My life is pull like pulled pork awaiting the slaughter,
I must have ran out of fucks to give , pour a glass of water,
for all the thirsty greedy people,
like a newly sequel,
an ongoing cycle that'll never cease to,
Exist because I'm a used pawn in all of my family's bullshit,
time to break the cycle,
this is nothing new to a human's behavior  , it's like what joe jack did to 
My luck hangs by a thread in everything that I do,
it's impossible to just be accepted,
In a family where they make money off your disability if you would just accept it,
twenty something applications and three interviews I feel like I'm not going nowhere,
problems stack on top of problems , i just wanna live drama free with some peace
and despair,
I will be nothing if i died,
pretend you care is just a lie,
like how do you all sleep at night,
the city hates me, not surprised,
she never helped with all the bullying
she never helped open my eyes,
i think my mother is a joke ya'll,
and from the ashes i will rise.

"Don't let anybody pull you down with them".

- Arcassin B.

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

"No More Clarity In Love"

"No More Clarity In Love"
By Arcassin Burnham

Don't tell me you can't be seen me.....
Cause I did nothing wrong to you,
Stop looking for some clarity.....
Nothing but a piece of residue,

On the ground,
May the lovers be one and found like the grey stone in the elders
Temple while clearly seeing your reflection,
I had no remorse for feeling any animosity,
for me to get away from the human race permanently,
Latching onto nothing that was never real.......
I was trying to bring you along for the ride but you gave on me
Simply for another's direction,
And in the end it was just pure cruelty,
I went into this new world with a cup of tea and broken dreams in
Smoke signals that never were really released,
I swear I told them all that Diamond Valley was real,

Don't tell me you can't be seen me.....
Cause I did nothing wrong to you,
Stop looking for some clarity.....
Nothing but a piece of residue,
*I want you*,
I could hear them calling for miles to pull me away,
*we brand you*,
There's no doubt in my mind my life's a mess but I stepped into 
Heaven's Gates.

*No more love*,
*No more love*.

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

"Young Wonder #7"

"Young Wonder #7"
by Arcassin Burnham

The flowers and the trees,
from the ground to a branch as it swings with a beautiful gust
of wind,
And as it blows,
The feels come rushing through like the hypothesis of everything
created when it comes to an beginning era..
it nearly is when diamond valley makes you see the light,
too bright for the likes of your eyes like goodbyes of friends you knew before,
brain cells carry memories of lust and death like flies carry diseases,
remembering the last time you pivoted into oblivion with materialistic things
in life,
uploading a post on your samsung,
pacing back and forth with the same song,
and this song is so beautiful and lucid like ambiance
that it would be impossible to stop singing in an awe moment,
your brain caught it.

"Please Be Spiritual too".

- Arcassin B. 

Monday, September 4, 2017

"Beauty Described Pt.3" (Photo By Sidney Kirsch)

"Beauty Described Pt.3"
By Arcassin Burnham

Eyes of beauty could be used for love,
but the devil knows it well (The Devil Knows It well),
some will leave their feelings covered up,
Guard your heart, don't be compelled (don't be compelled),
A lot of boys are not for commitment,
some of the girls have the same idea (girls have the same idea),
All deciding on your temperament,
or left with salty seasoning like badia,

okay look,
I'm just trying to be a soul conjured in your life.
Not just some guy with looks and charms on a level of polite.
don't let your insecurity, get the best of you,
 we only got one life , but its the life we choose,
off topic,
I'm just trying to be your lover , could you be my wife.....

Demons lusting for a virgin body , this just took a turn for the worst,
Teenagers now-a-days be enlightened by varieties of some sexual thirst,
Pregnancies , fathers leave , s.t.d's, some will give up and some will do the most,
parents will wake up and find their daughter hanging from her ceiling for a lie and hoax,

I'm just trying to be a soul conjured in your life.
Not just some guy with looks and charms on a level of polite.
don't let your insecurity, get the best of you,
 we only got one life , but its the life we choose,
off topic,
I'm just trying to be your lover , could you be my wife.....

"Love Could Be Impressive".

- Arcassin B.

Saturday, September 2, 2017

"Flame #10"

"Flame #10"
By Arcassin Burnham

Want to live a life,
Make a sacrifice,
Don't be a Gemini,
I hope that you decide,
Don't be young and die,
People are too nice,
man i wonder why?
I'll always be on your side.

Tired of being stepped on in every place i am,
like peanut butter covered bullshit without the jam,
Tired of being broke and having nothing on my own,
I swear on my own grave that i will at least atone,
gonna miss me when I'm gone,
memories just leaves me stunned,
waking up late every morning just to see the noon sun,
but it rains.
but it will ease some of the pain.

I know all the memories,
nowadays don't occur to me,
theres some hope out in the sea, feel the breeze,
i ain't ever going home. I like being on my own,

Want to live a life,
Make a sacrifice,
Don't be a Gemini,
I hope that you decide,
Don't be young and die,
People are too nice,
man i wonder why?
I'll always be on your side.

Tired of being stepped on in every place i am,
like peanut butter covered bullshit without the jam,
Tired of being broke and having nothing on my own,
I swear on my own grave that i will at least atone.

"Be Right with yourself before others".

- Arcassin B.