Sunday, November 27, 2016


By Arcassin Burnham

I Was , Liking Your Decisions,
I forgot to mention,

I Was , On An Expedition,
Trying to find The feelin',

I Was , Loving Your Extensions,
I was on a mission,

I was , out of ammunition,
Knowing this would be done.....

Loving everyday of your miserable life trying to find some purpose
In every evil thing you do to everybody girl,
Not A fan Of seeing you like this telling you to get over it in any 
Case you have against the world,
How you Been girl? How you been girl?
Can I get a straight answer with no attitude,
Bless your friends girl and your momma too,
Why are all our conversations in all interludes,
Stop pretending girl , that you care,
If anything if you don't know yourself then I know you
What's the motives girl , I'm not trying to pursue you in any
Way that would come off as poor...

I was , kind to you..

I Was , Liking Your Decisions,
I forgot to mention,

I Was , On An Expedition,
Trying to find The feelin',

I Was , Loving Your Extensions,
I was on a mission,

I was , out of ammunition,
Knowing this would be done.....

"Always Be Kind , Because It Comes back Around just like meanness".

- Arcassin B.

Saturday, November 26, 2016

"Flame #7"

"Flame #7"
By Arcassin Burnham

I dream about seeing the light when it all ends,
I'd rather be in that situation than sitting around
With all these envying friends,
Swear life is funny with killer clowns and random
People that get hurt for no reason,
Be on your guard for all of these things , including
Freak accidents this season,
All of the ignorance these kids are into nowadays
Causing trouble from those bad lyrics,
Such a sight to me, put yourself in the place of me
And don't you forget it,
Financial problems up the ass , you can't even cut some
Grass even for a penny,
So when you go to bed at night , your message to God should
Have already been sending,

"What Should Americans Do!?"

- Arcassin B.

Friday, November 25, 2016

"Make It Special"

"Make It Special"
By Arcassin Burnham

Don't let your food get cold in these cold days,
Not what my mom told me or anyone in my family
For that matter,
I'm in my right mind I don't really need a therapist,
Working on a hypothesis to be an ignorant bitch,
Trying to make people hate me with false accusations which,
Won't do good for you in the long run for your life is in abyss,
Intentions were cruel, the world is so doomed,
Laughing at us,
Worry about you and whoever else is around because,
In midst of darkness knowing you could make it special (*special*)
You could make it special (*special*),
You could make it special (*special*),
Won't be no wealth collected,
We'll be poor and defenceless,
Be careful who you keep close to you with this independence,
My family never listens to me , now here comes the end and,
Don't make me say I told you so in utter hopes to really hope
That we could make it out alive due to your petty ignorance,
Free thinker , Glad To Say I'm Very Gifted,

In The Center Of Wickedness , You Could Make It Special,
Knowing God Is The King Yeah He Could Make It Special....
You could make it special (*special*).....
Keep Your Faith By Your side And You Could Make It Special,
There's No Fear In Your Eyes If You Believe You're Special.....
You could make it special (*special*),

While You Rappers rocking Jesus pieces,
We'll be turned to pieces leaking from the depth of being
Deceived by a demonic doubtful reason that you've brung
Upon us hoping this would control a population of people unaware
Of what you got going on,
Very strong, who you leaning on,
Is it true protectors,
Having a wall built around us so we can't fly with feathers,
What kind of vision is this,
We can not condone in this,
The tapestry is off a little bit of this idealist,
Are there just fucking pessimists?,
Trying to see you fall down like peasants you're meant to be,
Learning all the secrets and plans of the enemy,
Words alone remind you of the world that it needs to be,
Bad intentions is where the road to hell is paid usually,
A good friend taught me that in a state of being consciously,
Aware of everything and anything that comes around me,
Glad to say we're Gifted, this is not the end of you and me,

In The Center Of Wickedness , You Could Make It Special,
Knowing God Is The King Yeah He Could Make It Special....
You could make it special (*special*).....
Keep Your Faith By Your side And You Could Make It Special,
There's No Fear In Your Eyes If You Believe You're Special.....
You could make it special (*special*).

"It's Escapable If you make It Escapable".

- Arcassin B.

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Johnny Cash - Hurt (AB Poetry Remix)

By Arcassin Burnham (Inspired By Johnny Cash)

*I Hurt Myself Today*,
*Cause Everything's Surreal*,

*I Use to*,
*Love the pain*,
*Ignored the devil's deals*,

*I get deeper* , *in the hole*,
*Seeing what tomorrow brings*,
*God knows all the rest of your days*,
*And he remembers everything*,

*What Have I Become*,
*My Darkened End*,
*Everyone I Know* , *Knows their way*,
*In the End*,
*And You Could Have It All*,
*My self love of worth*,
*I always let you down*,
*I Will Make You Hurt*,

*The Man With His Two Horns*,
*Has Things He Wants To Share*,
*Maintain These Old Thoughts*,
*Don't You Let Him Hear*,

*An Ode To Father Time*,
*There's Nothing*, *Else To Fear*,
*Fight Battles Somewhere Else*,
*But I Am Still Right Here*,

*What Have I Become*,
*My Darkened End*,
*Everyone I Know* , *Knows their way*,
*In the End*,
*And You Could Have It All*,
*My self love of worth*,
*I always let you down*,
*I Will Make You Hurt*,
*If I Could Start Again*,
*Then Everyone Would Stay*,
*Times I Saved Myself*,
*I Won't Die* ..*Today*.


"Johnny Cash is A Legend and a real lyricist for God Himself and for all to sing his words".

- Arcassin B.

Saturday, November 19, 2016

"When Eric Lost Shelly"

"When Eric Lost Shelly"
by Arcassin Burnham

In The skies through the clouds she flies through
a sea of dolphins,
walking on the ocean as she gazed and he faced
his ultimate challenge knowing he can't get her 
back finding out what happened,
guarding and watching over him like a mighty falcon,
but resurrected by the crows of which death brings,
Fell in love with the story by morning going to an lustful
avenging her death like theres no damn tomorrow,
Wondering why his heart was filled with so much sorrow,
By the hour , every hour on the hour of every day,
Sarah talking to her friends and placing flowers on they're graves,
It's good to know her mother's safe and free from all the devil's grace,
On devil's night , no room for light, bad men will fight,
Don't rest anyway,
But she sure miss you and her,
And you both miss her as well,
Like two angels watching over her,
Live your life , don't let your food get stale.

"Heavily Inspired by The Crow Movie of course, freaking love that movie😁".

- Arcassin B.

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

ARCASSIN'S Harmful Mix Pt.8 : The Return

ARCASSIN'S Harmful Mix Pt.8 :
The Return
By Arcassin Burnham

"Blank Screen"

Rubbing the base of my palm to calm myself,
The smell of French fries frying on the stove,
The Lord behold,
Junk food never got me old,
Fill the air with smoke,
Savoring your taste buds while you choke in disbelief of why
This is even happened in the first place, oh did you forget you're
narrating all of this?
Do you get the jist and the overlay,
I'm feeling Gothic today,
Not the time or the place,
Is this any place ? That we should be in,
The human race,
Expands overtime while vasting all in space,
Nothing but blankness in their hearts coming for your dreams
With maximum effort to make a hell of a time which is something
You do not wanna be in seeing as how you already have struggled
To get right with the king that rules all.

"No Void"

I'm believing what you felt, all by yourself, yeah,
screaming in your head , shattering dreams wealth , yeah,
I was always on the move trying to retrieve your soul , yeah,
Did I have doubts that you wouldn't let me go? Well yeah,
Benefits were set to limitless when you grow old ,
You might not have nobody in your life to make you gold,
Loneliness at its finest days , you might as well just run and hide,
Beautiful truth of knowing you'll never be by anyone's side.

"Are You Coming?"

..And while the void is not yet filled,
I still heal,
From these wounds in my backyard of pumping iron
And fighting skills,
In a place where they rob and steal and they don't care about how you
Feel ,
The day the earth shakes and the beams are steel,
Hope that they can seal the deal,
Past experiences and bad choices made me who I am,
Sending letters to my mind in form of a aerogram,
And at the time,
Riding my bike in Holly hill,
Sitting in sin and praying for the wrong things that Couldn't
Make me feel,
As vulnerable as the people that shouldn't be , 
trying to break the strong, persuade the weak,
Bullies use to call me weak , but couldn't see me in the street,
But I'm looking for eutopia and beauty so Divine,
Like a promise land designed for people that would give their
Lives and lay it on the line, I won't miss that opportunity,
Now Are You Coming?!


This pimple I popped to see a new hope come along,
Hope that God sends so much cargo that I will not go wrong,
Receiving hostility towards me all from your darker tone,
Feeling like you have to be an asshole because you think that
You own,
My soul,
My well-being off your throne,
Steady popping,
So much puss is dropping from my face,
And at this point upon this wicked world , What is the human race?
I question us everyday,
Senseless killings that mess up days,
You've made your time for these delays.

"Took That Picture When Me and my family went to Orlando for a reunion".

- Arcassin B.

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Hi Love , Thanks For Screwing Me Over Ep (Official)

Hi Love , Thanks For Screwing Me Over Ep
By Arcassin Burnham

01. BFF

Best friends turn to enemies real quick,
And I don't wanna lose you,
If I let you know my secret, then the last thing I wanna
Do is hurt you, *why do I feel so lonely this time*,
*why do I feel so lonely this time*,

Don't wanna be rejected if I let you know the thing behind my silence
I've been keeping in so that I could just tell you when the time
Was right to tell when I had the chance and saw the opportunity
Coming right in front of me, confronting me,
Controlling me,
How come you oversee my intentions not knowing that I just wanna
Pursue you due to my rhymes,
*why do I feel so lonely this time*,
If I was eager enough to step to your throne,
You had two choices, talk or leave me alone,
Long conversations at night just embracing our phones,
Hoping your heart don't get covered in stone,
I was that lonely boy that would sleep on your line,
And when you come around I know that everything will be fine,
But *why do I feel so lonely this time*,

Best friends turn to enemies real quick,
And I don't wanna lose you,
If I let you know my secret, then the last thing I wanna
Do is hurt you, *why do I feel so lonely this time*,
*why do I feel so lonely this time*.

02. Just For A Minute

The sun , the stars are always happy seeing your face in astonishing
When your excited Just for a minute,
I'm all out of puns , but now i just got bad jokes , I'll use they're times
Wisely, just for a minute,
I'm was always on some kind of medication spazzing out and bumming
but only just For a minute,
And through it all you stood by me with guardian-like intentions with
All your fears and hopes just for a minute,

Randomly assigned to make you laugh at every aspect seeing as
You have a hard time at school with kids and grades,
Kawaii nails for grabs and the girls really liked your style,
May have a lot on my plate too but I like your smile,
Trancish features , even all your teachers think your beautiful,
Sitting on the bleachers , not knowing that it's my heart that you
Really stole.

03. Tree Carving

Scratching wood does not remind me , of your,
Squeamish Skin when I touch,
Don't think of you as a trophy, cause I'm,
Living , living in your love,
Two days would pass by me love , but it wouldn't,
Stop me from dreaming you,
Tree carvings wouldn't be the only, cause,
The cause of feeling blue,

Could ya , could ya , be a , be a,
Everything that I've been hoping for,

I could  be ya , I could , I could , be ya,
Everything forever and more,
Could ya , could ya , be a , be a,
Everything that I've been hoping for,

I could  be ya , I could , I could , be ya,
Everything forever and more,

Breaking all this silence between us,
Boring all these trees.

04. Hi Love, .......

Like the ghost of your attitude, nice and caring,
Let the feelings brew,
Thousands of problems in the pot,
You gotta mix the stew,
They've done harm to me and they've done harm to you,
Sometimes in life you just gotta be comfortable,
Dealing with people is a must and you can not let them ever get to you,

You must have had a million boyfriends with the beauty you have
Watching each moment as they throw themselves at you like if tool
Wasn't in the dictionary for boys like them,
I got to be different that's why the love comes dependent and all my lust
Is extinguished in flames that I can not comprehend feeling your voice
Inside my ears would be God calling to me then if it's not what it seems,
I could be rushing,
Don't wanna shattered your dreams to keep memories running.

05. It Hits Me

When you speak i feel your pain,
Wanna comfort you in rain,
Knowing problems are the same when it comes to this here phase,
She said "shut the fuck up babe",
Its the first time you called me that.....
Always wanna up and stay,
Your house is a block away,
This is just the greatest day when I'm touching on your face,
Your soul I wanna embrace,
She said call me when I get home , I'll get right on that,
And then it hits me.....

*I know you*,
*I know your worth baby*,
*I know you*,
*I know your worth baby*,
*I know you*,
*I know your worth baby*,
When you speak i feel your pain,
Wanna comfort you in rain,
Knowing problems are the same when it comes to this here phase,
She said "shut the fuck up babe",
Its the first time you called me that,
You called me that.

06. Imagining Your Kiss (Lie To You)

.... Like I said, embracing your skin would be a dream within a dream
And within a dream and within a dream,
You asked me to give you my honest opinion...

I guess that I don't 
Wanna Lie To You like the child that draws on his mother's wall with 
Crayons and then lies and says that his sister did it, but little did he know
His sister snuck out awhile ago,
Sitting in the moonlight in a Honda civic with a her boyfriend kissing on
Her neck and tearing buttons,
I just wanna know that if we get through the friendzone that I could touch
You like that someday in mid discussion,

With no complaining, not into rushing,
You'd be my cuffling,
While we cuddle,
And while we swap spit , real teenage lovin',
Angels be singing , up in the conscious , they sing like Minnie,
Miss you dearly , when you're not here the.. world isn't pretty,
Baby I never..wanna make you cry... You're so eccentric,
I like it so much , we could both be weird and so dependent.

07.  Something You Should Know (Interlude)

*We don't got time to be wasting on the world*,
*we don't got time to be wasting on the world*,
*Why won't you be mine*? *I'm so tired of all this friend shit*,
*Why won't you be mine*? *I'm so tired of all this friend shit*,

*There's something you should know*,
*cause I built this trust for us*....
*I wrote your name on my phone*...
*I won't let this come between us*..
*So right your name on my phone*...

Like Christmas in July my eyes light up with pain and shame
And memories behind it screaming for the day I'd get to kiss
You like the married couple so that we should be sharing like the
Motto never ended plus the caring and I'll be yelling , I said
*We don't got time to be wasting on the world*,
Oh no *We don't got time to be wasting on the world*,
I'm like *why won't you be mine*? *You'll soon be knowing tonight*,
*This isn't our final ride*, *I just wanna be with you*.

08. ....Thanks For Screwing Me Over

Stopped talking since the day I wrote her in my phone,
Not even talking to my friends, I hope they leave me alone,
I wasn't worthy then and I'm not worthy now to the throne,
To the be the king of her heart,
Is this how my life starts?,
I got bad memories of things I do not wanna remember,
But this one of when it was me and her cuddled in December,
She needed someone and I was there cause nobody would linger,
Like thanks for Screwing Me Over,
You and all your friends got quite older...

09. If You Give Up On Me

Have you ever had so much love for the person that you thought
Was gonna see this through to the end with you?
Have you ever wanted nothing more to worship the ground that
They walked on everyday praising their issues?
Have you ever wanted so much happiness and future plans for
Seeing kids that might or might not exist?
If you give up on me now , this never happens and I'll be traumatized
With wanting to be all over you..
Palms sweatin',
Feet cold and,
Body shakin',
Just to let you know and',
Eyes twitchin',
Mouth dry',
Walking to you,
I can't tell my legs,
But I'll be good If you say yes....

Me: Hey
Her: Hey what's up.......what's wrong,
Me: I have something to tell you,
Her: Sure , Anything From You,
Me: Listen know that we've been friends for how long?
Her: 3 years haha , Me: yes 3 ...... And I wanna be able for us to
Have more years,
Her: What Are You Saying right now , is something wrong?
Me: No it's .....just I've holding this in since 9th grade..and I
Feel that it's only right if I tell you now,
Her: Sure , I guess,
Me: You're always so loyal , And you've always been there when
I had no one , my Best friend , the person I love more than anything,
Ive had a bad life coming up towards this moment and I just wanna 
Create better ones with you, So I ask ....will you my girlfriend?
Her: Um... Wow...I don't know what to say............... How can I say this
without breaking our friendship?
Me: What ?tell me...
Her: I already found someone...............and I love him...
Her: I'm sorry (Walks Away).

10. Rejected Again

If I give up now I'll never live it down ,
To see me find love shouldn't be the focus now,
*I gotta find my way through those leaves*…..

You stabbed me in heart baby....
You should have know better....
My wanderlust just burned without having you as someone that
Would be my friend,
But you're not.....
I guess I hate you but I don't have to show it...
And now you know....

Building my whole world around you but you found a crawl space
And filled my eyes with tears and massive regret towards you,
Like how could you , I thought that you choose me but.....
I was wrong baby,
I was wrong,
You have yourself a good time! Without me,
Cause I'll be fine.

"New beginnings come with Lost love".

- Arcassin B.

Monday, November 14, 2016

Hi Love , Thanks For Screwing Me Over Ep (Cover)

(Official Cover Photo)

Hi Love , Thanks For Screwing Me Over Ep

O   U   T

T O M O R R O W !!!!!!

Featuring Singles Like....⬇

"Rejected Again"


"It Hits Me"


Sunday, November 13, 2016

"It's Your Fault I Feel This Way"

"It's Your Fault I Feel This Way"
By Arcassin Burnham

I would tell friends time and time again I would never 
Love a single soul just to not get hurt,
*It's her fault I feel this way*...
Cleaning everything I didn't have to clean dragging myself
Less through life but like more in dirt,
*It's her fault I feel this way*...

*I could*,
*be in love again*...
Cause it always backfires and,
There's not enough trust on the table to fit on a plate,
Even meeting someone that can relate, still won't give you the
So I feel like I'm wasting my time,
But it's not me getting out of line..
I wanna treat you with the love respect that you need,

*see the*,
*face of marriage*, *in my life*,
*and that's okay*.

"Love could be a wrong choice sometimes"

- Arcassin B.

Saturday, November 12, 2016

Hi Love , Thanks For Screwing Me Over Ep (Poetry List)

Hi Love , Thanks For Screwing Me Over Ep

(Poetry List)

01. BFF

02. Just For A Minute

03. Tree Carving

04. Hi Love, ....

05. It Hits Me 

06. Imagining Your Kiss (Lie To You)

07. Something You Should Know (Interlude)

08. .....Thanks For Screwing Me Over

09. If You Give Up On Me

10. Rejected Again

Hi Love , Thanks For Screwing Me Over Ep

Coming November 15th

10 poems premiere

Friday, November 11, 2016

"On The Hood Of The Car" (Original)

"On The Hood Of The Car"
By Arcassin Burnham 

Scabs fall into waters of the menitonka, everyone 
Pleasing the simple pleasures of the simple things 
That are compatible with misery and pain,
Was bamboozled by the performance you put on 
For Your ignorant speech,
I find the spirit to oversee what you just made me
And that was you...
Writing 4 page letters,
Everlasting endeavors,
Pleasing people that would hurt you,
So you don't feel forced to love forever whatever...
I could,
See your pain,
You could come out and stop hiding now,
I won't put up with your attitude though , we can not see,
Eye to eye...

*I'm leaving all your bullshit on the hood of your car*,
*So you can process that*,
*I gave you all my emotions and my love from afar,
*do you remember that*,
*I had* , *hopes and dreams for both us to share*,
*and you didn't even care*,
*I'm finding peace in my heart knowing that you are not there*,

Pieces fall into proper arrangement to everything that
We imagined,
Giving you laughter when you needed it most in these days
Of being disguised slaves with shame and anger,
Was appalled by the way you treated me when i gave
The love,
I see it's clear I'm really not the one that you're thinking
Of course it's you...
Writing 4 page letters,
Everlasting endeavors,
Pleasing people that would hurt you,
So you don't feel forced to love forever whatever...
I could,
See your pain,
You could come out and stop hiding now,
I won't put up with your attitude though , we can not see,
Eye to eye...

*I'm leaving all your bullshit on the hood of your car*,
*So you can process that*,
*I gave you all my emotions and my love from afar,
*do you remember that*,
*I had* , *hopes and dreams for both us to share*,
*and you didn't even care*,
*I'm finding peace in my heart knowing that you are not there*.

"Do Be Anyone's Reason To Fail At life".

- Arcassin B.

Thursday, November 10, 2016

"Flame #6"

"Flame #6"
By Arcassin Burnham

**You better watch your back through the**
**back streets**,
**the boys aren't in town so just sit**,
**take a seat**,
**and watch the horrors that await you**,
**choose something to serenade you**,
**don't give into critics that will bomb and then**
**degrade you**,
**find fate then confront it putting all you have**
**into a little canister of faith**,
**they'll imitate what you say**,
**they'll spit it back in your face**,
**they'll take a slice of your cake**,
**you have to be strong in this situation**,
**have to be brave**,
So I put up with it, 
I put up with it til there's nothing left,
I went to bed one night and regretly smelled the
Devil's breath,
Painkillers and an aspirin just to cleanse the 
Until I realized that my old soul was just getting old.

"What Should We Do?!"

- Arcassin B.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

"The Light Of Day"

"The Light Of Day"
By Arcassin Burnham

Recollecting so many bad memories in search of
Anything that I was Missing from situation to situation
Crying to the Lord and blaming him for everyone and everything
Restraining me from the truth that I could have had inner peace
The whole entire time when all I had to do was look,
Guess I didn't see all of the chances that I could have took,
In all my past events I'll gladly say that I didn't go astray,
Any one of these memories could have been my end like i
Was Never gonna see the light of day......

Casting out the demons,
Picking up new pounds,
Setting my mind free,
And always stand my ground,
I was never weak,
But life tries to break the strong,
But everyday I live,
I pray my father takes me home.

"Anything nowadays could be your end".

- Arcassin B.