Saturday, January 30, 2016

"Running With You In The Fields" (Up)

"Running With You In The Fields"

By Arcassin Burnham

*Heart of gold*
*she has a heart of gold*,

I could put my frustrations out on everyone else 
But for you,
*You are my light,  my sky*,
Letting my pride down easy just to see the real
Me in hopes to be with my entity as well as my
Physical and maybe see the good in me that i
Cant see but I better be on my best behavior 
Around you,
*I'm so glad that I found you*
I hope that you could smell these roses,
She has a heart of gold, 
She not one for complaining, 
To sit here and watch you age and get old,
Is a teens dream he won't be missing.

Thursday, January 28, 2016

"Gazing Through Your Eyes"

"GAzing Through Your Eyes"

By Arcassin Burnham

My desire,
Is hellish fire,
A Fresh teenage body such as myself,
Am I a liar or deceiver,
Would you believe her,
In sickness and health,
My thoughts and frames are calibrated,
See through the windows of her soul
I didn't have to love it,
Was frustrated,
But I reframe from that
And just let everyone and everything go,
To get one more night of love making and
Kissing soft throats,
I would love her with all my heart,
But most of it is decayed,
But sometimes for romance , you go
For what you know,
Touch of her hair,
Smiles that glare brightly,
When she needs her superman,
Instead I'll be there knightly.
Get it.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

"Wet The Dirt"

"Wet The Dirt"

By Arcassin Burnham

*Witness as I take you on trip to see the* 
*Peace and gather chunks of memories* 
*We've known*, 
*I've got my eyes on you*,
*I've cherished you*,
*When our virtue comes new to you*,
*Let the devil reincarnate his own*,
*In the middle of city lights to find the love we*
*Tried to build in wicked town of shadowed* 
*I got my lips on yours*,
*We'll flood the earth*, 
*Just aroused enough to wet the dirt*,
*The thing over my eyes is wool*.

Sunday, January 24, 2016

"Flowers And A Deck Of Cards" (Up)

"Flowers And A Deck Of Cards"

By Arcassin Burnham

Lilac in the morning sun while the feelings were
Still there lingering questions through my 
Cranium yet it fills a mental stadium full of 
Bad brain cells of bad memories and bad 
That means that everything that I went through 
Was all in my head,
The posture of a levelheaded troubled soul is often
I don't negotiate with corrupted feds,
I'm just being honest,
There are quite a few regrets,
my feelings are like a bucket of glass barrettes that 
Are being worn by the classiest females of our time
And our time is still hanging in the balance,


*you better choose the right card*,
*but please don't put up your guard*,
*I'm the only one that knows who you are*,
*you've only gone so far*,
You're so majestic in your ways of socializing 
All of the beautiful attributes that come with
Bliss in your heart,
And if I'm hanging with the wrong crowd lately, 
I'm so sorry, we could talk about our feelings 
To start.

Friday, January 22, 2016

The Road To The F-A-L-L-E-N Pt.2

"The Road To The F-A-L-L-E-N"

By Arcassin Burnham

01. Took That Away

I skip rocks on streams a million times,
But it won't bring her back,
Emptiness saddens me,
As i become one with nature,
For the trees as they leave the atmosphere,
Burning through open wounds,
Drinking my depression away but
Screwing my brain in the process,
But I digress,
And fixing to digest another batch of
Cheesy fries,
Can't deal with all the lies,
Maybe it was for you,
But today I realize life is more than what
You make it,
Given it a plot and some settings and
Never take it.

02. Surreal Tendencies 

Her beauty is butterflies and roses to me,
Why do you have surreal Tendencies?
A touch
A kiss
A feeling with ease,
I got her,
Feeling her cheeks,
Rosey red with a little pink,

Some of those careless needs,
I'd give anything in this world
To have her glance at me,
Of skin
Of lips
Of the things that result in we,
Confronting her,
Now she speaks,
Could never get pass the golden link.

03. Nothing Comes Easy

Pocket full of lint,

Will Never get anywhere,

I knew where I was going,

Didn't find out how to get there,

But then you came out of the blue,

When my skies were,

Blowing kisses to you,

Knowing that my life was filled with dirt,

I'm hurt,
By the way life has treated me,
Nothing but desire and entities,
Don't come back til judgment day,
Have regretful things to say,

See what you made me do,
I'm losing it,
Because of you,
But without you,
I go insane,
I won't be the same,
I don't even know your name,
Man! nothing comes easy.

04. Golden Heart 

Throwing stones will get us caught,
Maybe in the eyes of the man up stairs,
But as long as he keeps us down,
I have a thing for your tainted soul,
Unknown age,
You're never getting old,
But in the dark we spark a light for
All the humans that crossed over,
In the sea of souls,
You're never getting old
To me,

I could make sure,
That you never see a mistake,
Although it's what we humans are
Good at making,
But the stress I am good at taking,
Saved by sin,
And delivered by lust,
Teenager with an old soul,
You're never getting old,
Golden hearts raised the glass
To broken ones where I don't belong,
Breaking out in a cold sweat,
You're never getting old,
To Me.

05. Swift

Cause I'm in some rough headspace,
But only in the state of confusion,
Saving all of the bullshit for later
Then each time getting a bad result,
It's not my fault,
I will forever and always be a prison,
Kissing doesn't help,
She told me what was my mother like,
And I said just a twisted version of me,
Then she asked about my father,
I said i didn't have one but guess that's every
Black boy's dream,
And it's also not easy being 18 years old,
With no job and disfunctional family,
Now you see,
With a swift pen,
I write poetry,
To escape the harsh reality
Of even being on this planet
And people that have special needs,
And what I need is a non purposeful life
To have meaning,
Now let's talk about you cause
It's enough about me.

06. Showing Affection

When my palm hits my face,
I realize what I have been missing,
Feelings don't show too often
Especially reminiscing,
Reminding me what I could do or
Think to say,
I stood....
Mysteries of your sexuality,
That's why you were booted from up
Must be a pan,
If he loves everything,
Then why can you expressed heavenly love,
Upon me,
I stood......
I'm dying within myself,
I know your lying to yourself,
Under a new York bridge,
Full of dreams I can't bend,
Maybe I do repent,
I'll still die for ya that's why I ...
Big wings,
We fly to your nest of loss of consciousness,
And great residents,
Of good endeavors,
Time for oxygen,
You take my breath away,
To another place,
Combine with me,
As I ...
...stand here.

07. Lavish

You're a super sonic angel from a very happy place....

I could dream,
A million dreams,
Not in one night,
You'd be surprised 
At how you make me feel,

I'm not a god,
Nor a devil,
But you could believe
The things I've lost,
I give you patience,
Wipe tears from your face,
You're a super sonic angel from a very happy place,
Very lavish,

Take me home,
To see my father,
Wanna be free,
It's not up to me,
I don't know what is real,

A mess in this life,
Although I hate it,
I'm glad I met with you,
I see the problems,
I see the cost of what i can erase,
You're a super sonic angel from a very happy place,
Ooooo so lavish.

08. ....That You Loved Him 

He Never realized that you loved him,
When he was down and out,
No one wanted him around,
You were there for him,
Through the goods
And the bads and the greats,
And the glorious,
No one is perfect thats inferior,
To all out morals and burdens,
Thanks for all your service,
I had a feeling that you stayed up at night,
I wish that we could go back in time,
To a simpler pace,
Not much of our speed,
But a lot of our space,
And even though your like a hundred years old,
I'll still kiss your face,
You could miss that with my heart,
I'm a romantic at heart,
I swear I love you.

09. Do You Go Back Today?

I hope you don't mind if I just sit here and cry,
My heart just died inside , is this the end of life,
When you smile,
There must be magic,
I couldn't ever imagine,
What has happened,

Wish you didn't have to go, movements kind of
I can't stop you in time,
Had a feeling this would happen, with lucid 
But turns into transition,
Hoping you would turn back again,

Do you have to go back today?
Do you have to go back today?
Do you have to go back today?
Do you have to go back today?
Do you have to go back today?

Thursday, January 21, 2016

The Road To The F-A-L-L-E-N Pt.2 (Poetry List)

(Poetry listing )

01. Took That Away

02. Surreal Tendencies 

03. Nothing Comes Easy

04. Golden Heart 

05. Swift

06. Showing Affection 

07. Lavish 

08. ....That You Loved Him

09. Do You Go Back Today?


Wednesday, January 20, 2016

"Cara Delevingne"

"Cara Delevingne"

By Arcassin Burnham 

*Her love is like turning the tides away from the*
*Docks at riverside in the afternoons and fighting*
*Off horrific terrifying fire breathing dragons that*
*Overwhelmed us in desperate times of weather*
*Or not this is a fantasy*, 
*Depends on the what you read*,
*I'm certain that the things I say won't change the fact*
*That she's a heart of golden pellets in my brain that* 
*Drives me insane*,
*Driving me to the ends of the earth to meet her standards*,
*But who needs standards when you have the warm embrace* 
*Of someone holding you and makes firecrackers pop off*
*In your head when they kiss you*,
*I guess thats what that boy thought in paper towns*,

Hoping that you see me for the creative , simplistic 
Caresmatic,  articulate black boy from Florida that
Has no life at all and sees shame in every corner of
Of that aspect, only wanting the best for himself and
His family,

*I can sit here all day and talk about how beauty stikes*
*Power in your soul*,
*Or do something lame like make memes and continue*
*To gain self-control*, 
*I'm just an old soul in a teens body putting one foot forward*
*Each time I console with myself*, 
*Sometimes I can't stand myself*,
*But with you in the mix we will only prevail*.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

"Into Eyes"

"Into Eyes"

By Arcassin Burnham 

Excuse the tenseness in me,
Your just not the one that understands,
That I could be a better man than 
He ever was,
Appalled at your love,  it's a drug,
And I'm ready for it,
Have to get along with the man from above,
So that he could bless us,
For this engagement, 
I'm so lucky,  I'm so lucky baby, 
To stare into a pair of eyes like yours,
I'm happy that I could get the chance to explore what ever wonders you have,
Watching the doves cry with these situations, 
Writing love notes to you was my occupation, 
All the times of being laughed at and misused,
Sometimes I wish I had a fully automatic gun that I could use,
But to you,
I was just someone you loved,  nothing more,
No telling what would happen if I walked out of this door,
No spoilers, 
No happiness, 
No fun,
No clarity,
I'm done.

Sunday, January 17, 2016

"Lavish" (features on The Road To The F-A-L-L-E-N Pt.2)


By Arcassin Burnham 

You're a super sonic angel from a very happy place....

I could dream,
A million dreams,
Not in one night,
You'd be surprised 
At how you make me feel,

I'm not a god,
Nor a devil,
But you could believe
The things I've lost,
I give you patience,
Wipe tears from your face,
You're a super sonic angel from a very happy place,
Very lavish,

Take me home,
To see my father,
Wanna be free,
It's not up to me,
I don't know what is real,

A mess in this life,
Although I hate it,
I'm glad I met with you,
I see the problems,
I see the cost of what i can erase,
You're a super sonic angel from a very happy place,
Ooooo so lavish.

Saturday, January 16, 2016

The Road To The F-A-L-L-E-N Pt.2 Coming Jan 22

January 22nd

Friday, January 15, 2016

"I'll Let You Know When Its Over" (Up)

"I'll Let You Know When It's Over"
By Arcassin Burnham

All I see in my sight is a force to be reckoned,
Do you ever feel the same for me,
Hope this isn't vaugly another session, 
No code of conduct for distorted chemistry, 
I'll let you know when it's over but until then
Beam me up another patch of steel petals,
Time and time again the sin will come for us in
The mist and carry us up to the good place,

...and when I see your face,
(See your face)
As a symbol of a kiss I plant on your cheek,
I couldn't speak, 
Or maybe I just couldn't think of anything to 
your beauty Stuns me like the Meth on a
Oh how precious you are.

Wednesday, January 13, 2016



By Arcassin Burnham 

I wander in the halls where that rabit hole is,
I never knew that love could end like this,

Tiny wings flutter over me,  it's time for my
I never knew that love could end like this,
I tried and I tried to tell you that you've failed,
But you keep going,
Lied before and I've died a million times without a
No use knowing, 
I put every thing on the line for you and
All I get is a swarm of bees,
No sunlight or open trees and happy towns,
Just a hateful town made of paper where they
Hurt your feelings.

Monday, January 11, 2016

"Fire In Your Heart"

"Fire In Your Heart"

By Arcassin Burnham

Shaping my every excistence into your image,
i can see that your quite fond of me,
i can see that you'd gladly honor me,
you put your trust in me,
beyond the lost cosmos and the frequencies,
run into my cold bones if your feeling like
the earths core,
in our memories,
what we feel is just normal,
or you could just be another dream that increasingly
makes love to me and then plays with the emotions i have,
i couldnt grasp but,
I know theres fire in your heart and mind and soul to
be in the fear of being forgotten,
Not to be old or sell your soul,
Be safe in every aspect and every intellect to behold.

Saturday, January 9, 2016

"Long Line"

 "Long Line"
 by Arcassin Burnham

*I'll stay with you in this line if you want me to*

flashing images in my head makes me think
that i am dead and possibly unable to comprehend,

*I'll be what you want to be at the end of the day*

you kiss my cheek and bush my skin with your hands,
pays attention to my glance without the decorative sin,

I'm floating off into the abyss of fracturing skulls,
as i brake mine i see the mountain that crumbles
and falls with the swing of my arms and the rhythm
in my steps and the flask that i drink in my hands where
the blood comes from my finger tips,
it wouldn't last,
 while waiting in this long line.


"Mirror In The Table"

"Mirror In The Table"

By Arcassin Burnham 

There's a spider on the wall,
Somebody kill it,
*please don't kill it*
I could be the motion in your sensor bleeding imagery into
Your head when you are dead and gone to a place when it
Could just be us two,
Like Where did we go wrong,
*There's a mirror in the table*
(*a mirror in the table*)
A mirror in the table for a luxury to be stable in the times 
When we call it the end,
Thats what I see in this mirror,
No Need to pretend,
I see my reflection in the table of lies and false spells to
Do as it wishes while keeping the tears inside and the
Smell of baked cookies that will take you on a ride,
I just won't know what to decide,
But theres a mirror in the table...

Friday, January 8, 2016

"Tangent Chord" (ft. Patty m) (Up)

"Tangent Chord" (ft. Patty m)

By **arcassin b** & Patty m

random rules
rebellion pools
cockroaches and pests
crawl through unrest 

**your leaving the stress**
**on my head but instead**
**the air in my chest**
**would save it at best**

making nothing into something
with you flippant retort
anger is the fuel
that drives us apart 

**While I hide in the dark**
**From the anxiety**
**I see a side of me that never changes**
**but it's time to embark with a**

gun in hand
think u the man 
through a red haze
confusion blazes

**Summon cemeteries**
**If you can**
**searching for a new**
**then your quite brave**

fast and furious
the curious get
twisted insane
logic don't mesh
as you cut through flesh
a bomedy
bloods kind of comedy

**look at what a pretty picture**
**all your blood made**
**quite fresh**
**swear you can not test**
**the horrors that await you**
**in that bitches frequency**

stuck on stupid
feel powerless
step up or step down
stir the potion all around
where's the black magic 
it's tragic life is too real
a spiel spouted by the rich
sick son of bitch 

**one day the people will**
**eat the rich**
**and spark the light of a new dawn**
**when higher being comes in for the taking**
**silenced with a piece of steel**
**everyone is on the run**

gotta get the job done
and seamlessly transcend
I'm drawn to all this power
aint' steppin down again.

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

"Friends" (Up)


By Arcassin Burnham

*leaves blow away in an LSD grave*
*we will always be friends*
*whatever the price is we might have to pay*
*we will always be friends*
*throw roses on my grave today*
*let's not for get the ones who pave the way*
*we will always be friends*,

(Melodies play )

I love you as a friend.

"Flame #2"

"Flame #2"

By Arcassin Burnham

Pay your respects to your ignorance
Cause you might lose that too,
blinded by the false teaching in your
Inaccurate view, 
Stupid for the actions,
Infactuated with a passion,

Become criminals,
Enemies of the public,
Laying roses for your dead cousins,
filled fresh with brand new reactions,

Positive but only negative in you wrong doings,
Say you'll never pass a class again cause your
Life is ruined,
And you thought that they ever forgot your name,
Like pissing on a tree dipped in flames,
You'll stay the same,

Sunday, January 3, 2016



By Arcassin Burnham

Those cold days,
Swear I'm never going back to that,
when I was doing everything to get my life
Back in order,
Turning 18 and swinging sticks at alley cats,
And those kids say they hate me well imagine 
Those broad days, 
Where I wish I never woke from my naps,
Putting all that is at stake to perform a better
Sometimes disgusted at fact that I was even black,
I was a cool and chill kid that didn't need a swag,
Forget first kisses,
You had your wishes,
You didn't mention,
To submission, 
No honorable mentions,
You didn't listen,
On the kill-list,
All of your desires,
All of your feelings,
You were gifted,
But you just waste it,
Nothing is pleasant.

'Little Eyes" (ft. Wolf Spirit)

"Little Eyes" (ft. Wolf Spirit)

By Arcassin B & wolf spirit

**WS**: little eyes, what do you see
reflections of what we're meant to be
i'm looking at you, you're looking at me
but do you really, truly see?
what lives within the heart of me?
**AB**: little eyes, tell me is it me,
Directions in what you choose will be
The vision is clear, glancing at my face,
Do you invest all your time in empathy?
should I give you a chance to be free?
**WS**: little large is your world
do you look to me to see your dreams unfurled?
i look at you with tired eyes
open to prospect and sweet surprise
looking into your little eyes
**AB**: little eyes, wont you tell me your name,
Receptive to your realities of this place
Staring at a bunch of leaves,
What in the can you retrieve and believe,
Watching as the world dies
**WS**: little eyes, how much do you see?
do you reach within to the soul of me?
can we make bygones into goodbyes
languid, restful in these little eyes?